Instructional (Multiyear) Faculty Searches

Guidance for academic unit chairs and staff for searches for multiyear lector- and lecturer-track faculty.

Search request

The Teaching Resource Advisory Committee (TRAC) authorizes all searches for instructional faculty initially appointed for more than one year.

Academic unit chair requests authorization for the position by submitting search request including preliminary description of the requested position to the relevant dean with a copy to with the email subject "TRAC Search Request: [academic unit name]." The FAS Dean's Office sends response to the academic unit chair and staff.

Related Resources

  • For Lecturer-track faculty in the Divisions of Social Science and Science Robert Burger Senior Associate Dean
  • For Lecturer-track faculty in the Division of Humanities John Mangan Senior Associate Dean; Dean of Faculty Affairs
  • For all Lector-track faculty and lecturer-track faculty in the Department of English Jason Zentz Associate Dean

Search materials

Academic units must prepare and submit the following materials after receiving search approval from the FAS Dean's Office.

Inclusive search plan: Written description of the strategy for ensuring an inclusive search process that follows guidelines for best practices for faculty searches.

Search committee: List of proposed search committee members, including a committee chair, diversity representative, and other committee members.

The FAS Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development (DDFD) meets with all members of each search committee to discuss diversity best practices, the rapidly evolving language, and interpretation of Yale and FAS policies that occur annually. This meeting must take place for every approved search as early as possible in the search process, prior to the submission of proposed campus interview candidates in the Faculty Search Reporting Process (FSRP). A member of the FAS Dean’s Office will contact each department early in the search process to arrange this meeting.

The diversity representative is responsible for ensuring best practices for diversity in the search, and also works with the academic unit chair to provide a written statement for submission in FSRP. Diversity representatives interested in learning more about implicit bias can watch videos available on LinkedIn Learning by logging into the platform using a Yale netID or contact the FAS Dean’s Office at to arrange a meeting with the DDFD.

All search committee members should familiarize themselves with the best practices for searches resources available on the FAS site and the Provost’s Office site.

Job advertisement: The Department of Labor requires that all faculty searches must be advertised, online or in print, in a national professional journal (see recruitment advertising involving international applicants from the Office of International Students and Scholars) for at least 30 consecutive days. See faculty job advertisement requirements and position advertisement template for details.

Related Resources

Search materials review and approval

Create position in Interfolio

Academic unit staff create position in Search module of Interfolio. Refer to the Office of Faculty Administrative Services (OFAS) website for general Interfolio instructions

Related Resources
Search materials review and approval

The FAS Dean's Office, the FAS Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development, the relevant dean, and the Office of Institutional Equity and Accessibility review search materials and request any necessary edits.


Once all reviewers approve, academic unit staff are alerted via email from Interfolio that the position is approved and the academic unit is authorized to open the position and post the job advertisement.


Refer to OFAS resources on final edits and opening the position.

Position advertisement and Interfolio position management

Academic unit staff advertise the position and manage the Interfolio position throughout the search process.

Position advertisement

The Department of Labor requires that all faculty searches must be advertised, either online or in print, in a national professional journal for at least 30 consecutive days.

Beyond the required placement of the advertisement, the FAS Dean's Office encourages a widespread announcement of the position in professional journals, online job lists, newsletters, and professional meetings to achieve a deep and diverse applicant pool. In addition, academic units may contact other departments and schools by letter, email, or telephone to call attention to the position.

To limit costs while reaching a broad and diverse audience, advertise in online publications. Academic units with special cases for advertising in print may request permission from the FAS Dean's Office. All Yale positions hosted on Interfolio are automatically posted on the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) website free of charge. (*Note: Job posting sites such as Academic Jobs Online, HERC, and Interfolio are not considered to be professional journals.) 

Academic unit staff must collect proof of public advertisement for 30 consecutive days for at least one outlet for submission with the Faculty Search Reporting Process (FSRP) record. Refer to the "Print or Online Advertisement" section from the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS) website for guidance on obtaining sufficient proof of advertisement.

Interfolio position management

Academic unit staff update position status and apply applicant statuses and disposition codes throughout the search process. See below for further instructions.

Interfolio position management

  • Pending approval until search materials are approved.
  • Accepting applications once search materials are approved. Set before posting the position advertisement.
  • Short List / Final Candidate(s) once candidates for full interviews have been identified.
  • Search Closed with Hire or Search Closed without Hire once all offers for the position have been accepted or declined. 
  • Assign applicant status by selecting the checkbox to the left of the applicant's name, clicking Status from the pop up bar on the top right, and selecting the appropriate status from the resulting drop down menu.
    • Not Selected for candidates who will no longer be considered after initial review.
    • Longlist (optional) for candidates the search committee will consider further after initial application review.
    • Full / Campus Interview for candidates the academic unit will schedule for full interviews. These candidates must be approved in FSRP before being contacted.
    • Offer Extended for candidates who have received an offer letter from the FAS Dean's Office.
    • Hired for candidates who return a countersigned offer letter, or Offer Declined for candidates who do not accept.

To ensure Yale's compliance with federal regulations set by the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract and Compliance Programs (OFCCP), all applicants must be assigned a disposition code by the end of a search.

Prior to submitting the Full / Campus Interview candidates for approval in FSRP, all applicants not on that list must have a disposition code.

Before archiving a search position, ensure all applicants (including those who have accepted offers) have a disposition code.

Refer to the OFAS Interfolio Statuses and Codes presentation for the list of disposition codes.

Related Resources

Short list candidate selection and approval

Academic units must submit proposed candidates for full interviews in the Faculty Search Reporting Process (FSRP).

FSRP is a university-wide system used for the approval of full interview candidates and for record-keeping of search processes and outcomes. 

FSRP provides transparency, helps ensure compliance with federal regulations set by the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract and Compliance Programs (OFCCP), and streamlines the Short List approval process.

  • Search committee provides proposed list of candidates for full interviews to academic unit chair and staff. Academic unit endorses this list via its customary practice (chair approval or faculty vote, etc.). 
  • Academic unit staff set position status to Short List / Final Candidate(s) and set the relevant applicant statuses (for all candidates) and disposition codes (for candidates not advancing to full interview stage).
  • Academic unit staff, in consultation with diversity representative, search committee chair, and/or academic unit chair, as appropriate, fill out the FSRP record for the search and submit for approval.
  • FSRP record is reviewed and approved by the FAS Dean's Office, dean of diversity and faculty development, relevant faculty affairs dean, and the Provost's Office.
  • Once the record is fully approved and the academic unit chair and staff are notified via email from FSRP, approved candidates may be scheduled for interviews.

Related Resources

Final candidate(s) selection

Eligible voting faculty in the academic unit formally vote for the selection of the final candidate(s).

Once all approved candidates have been interviewed, search committee recommends final candidate(s) to academic unit chair.

Eligible faculty (see Yale Faculty Handbook section IV.F.1) review the candidate's materials, meet, and vote on the appointment via secret ballot.

Academic unit staff record vote on department faculty vote form.

Related Resources

TRAC review and offer process

Academic unit staff send TRAC appointment dossier.

Academic unit staff submit the following materials as a single PDF document for final review and approval by the Teaching Resource Advisory Committee (TRAC). Email should be sent to the relevant dean, with a copy to, with the subject: "TRAC Appointment Dossier: [Candidate's name]".

TRAC reviews and approves the appointment, and the relevant dean works with academic unit chair on terms of offer. Formal offer letter is sent via email to candidate from the FAS Dean's Office with a copy to the academic unit chair and relevant staff. To accept, the candidate must send a signed copy of the letter to the FAS Dean's Office at An electronic scan of the offer letter is sufficient.

Related Resources

  • For Lecturer-track faculty in the Divisions of Social Science and Science Robert Burger Senior Associate Dean
  • For Lecturer-track faculty in the Division of Humanities John Mangan Senior Associate Dean; Dean of Faculty Affairs
  • For all Lector-track faculty and lecturer-track faculty in the Department of English Jason Zentz Associate Dean

Hire and onboarding

Academic unit staff complete the following after receiving the countersigned offer letter.

Academic unit staff refer to the FAS chart of required documents, submit the listed materials to the Office of Faculty Administrative Services (OFAS) at, and process the hire in Workday.

Complete the onboarding process for the new faculty member once the hire is completed.

Related Resources