Interfolio Search Position Naming Conventions

This is a guide on naming conventions when creating searches in Interfolio.

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When naming positions in Interfolio, please include the following in this order:

  1. Role (position rank), plus
  2. Descriptor (one of the following):
    1. Subfield (when possible; if so, please stop here.)
    2. Field/Department/Program (when no subfield is present), or
    3. Another defining characteristic (when applicable.)

Formatting: Please use only commas to separate the Role and Descriptor, like the examples below. Please do
not use other punctuation or phrasing.

General List of Roles:

Ladder Faculty (tenure/tenure track):

  • Assistant Professor
  • For open rank, use: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
  • For open tenured, use: Associate/Full Professor

Instructional (Non-Ladder) Faculty:

  • Lector
  • Senior Lector I
  • Lecturer
  • Senior Lecturer

For roles in the Training or Research categories, please refer to the Academic Track Types table in the OFAS Workday Guide here.

Examples of Position Names that conform to these conventions:
  • (role, subfield:) Associate/Full Professor, Theoretical Biological Physics
  • (role, subfield:) Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Modern European History 
  • (role, field/department:) Assistant Professor, Economics 
  • (role, another defining characteristic:) Postdoctoral Associate, Smith Lab 
Examples of Position Names that do not conform to these conventions:
  • Associate Professor of Social Science, Yale University
    • The role should be Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (if an open ladder search), or Associate/Full Professor (if a tenure search).
    • A comma should be used instead of the word ‘of’ (to standardize position format).
    • Social Science is too broad of a field; please use a field or subfield within the social sciences.
    • Please do not include ‘Yale University’ in the position title, because the institution will be readily viewable on job posting websites.
  • Tenure-track Faculty – Statistics and Data Science Department
    • The terms Tenure-track or Faculty are variably defined and should not be used; please refer to the General List of Roles above.
    • A comma should be used instead of the dash ( – ) (to standardize position format)
    • Please do not use the term ‘Department’, as it makes the title too long; only the field/subfield.
  • Postdoctoral Position in the Environmental Humanities
    • The word ‘Position’ is too vague and should not be used; please use the appropriate role of Postdoctoral Associate (Yale-funded) or Postdoctoral Fellow (not Yale-funded).
    • A comma should be used instead of the phrase ‘in the’ (to standardize position format).