Writing Programs
SAL2 Writing Programs are designed to help FAS ladder faculty in all disciplines develop sustainable writing routines, overcome writing blocks, engage new audiences, and address other writing-related goals and challenges.
SAL2 Writing Programs include office hours with a writing coach, writing retreats, and writing workshops.
Faculty Writing Retreats
The SAL2 program offers writing retreats to provide opportunities for faculty to work on their writing goals for a period of uninterrupted time. Optional workshops intended to guide the writing process will be available throughout the day. Breakfast, lunch, and prepared take-home family meals are provided. Future writing workshops will be announced to eligible faculty via email.
Writing Workshops
Writing workshops include topics such as writing routines, writing rituals, engaging readers, building clarity into your writing, goal-setting, and establishing boundaries around dedicated writing time. During the 2024-25 academic year, SAL2 will offer a series of workshops on the theme of public writing for FAS ladder faculty who seek to share their expertise with an audience beyond academia.

One-on-one Writing Consultations
Eligible faculty members can sign up for a 30-minute appointment with a professional writing coach. These consultations are an opportunity for one-on-one conversations and individualized guidance about writing goals and challenges, ranging from writing habits and mindset to craft and public engagement. You might also want to follow-up from a group workshop or talk over what writing coaching can do for you in the longer term. Office hours are offered several times each semester. Eligible faculty will receive an emailed invitation to participate.

Professors in the Practice and any ladder faculty member with a primary or fully joint appointment in an FAS department or program may participate.
Faculty Experiences

Writing Retreats
"This was my second retreat, and they have all been extremely helpful for carving out a big chunk of time to work on articles. I've finished two articles now, largely thanks to this program!"

One-on-one Consultations
"With my coach's help, I finished writing two grant proposals and submitted them for grant applications."

Writing Workshops
"The workshops have helped me set up daily routine and set aside time to write. The new routine has already helped improve my productivity."

An FAS community of writers
“[The retreat] was a very positive experience, both in terms of the encouragement it offered to dedicate a day to writing and in terms of the group context of writing together with colleagues whom I rarely have the chance to connect to as writers.”