FASTAP 2016 Guidance for Chairs & Staff

This page gives guidance to academic unit chairs and staff regarding the timeline and procedures for ladder faculty appointments and promotions under FASTAP 2016.

FASTAP 2016 Timeline

  1. +

Assistant Professor (AP1)

Clock Years 1-5

Initial appointment as Assistant Professor

Clock Years 1-3
APs are eligible for up to 2 semesters of paid initial appointment leave before reappointment review, typically taken in clock year 2 or 3.
Clock Year 4
Review for reappointment (AP2) occurs no later than the penultimate year of the AP1 appointment.

Assistant Professor (AP2)

Clock Years 5-8

Reappointment as Assistant Professor

Clock Years 5-6
APs are eligible for 1 or 2 semesters of paid post-reappointment leave before tenure review; max eligibility is 3 semesters of pre-tenure leave (paid or unpaid).
Clock Year 7
Review for tenure occurs no later than the penultimate year of the AP2 appointment.


Clock Years 8+

Promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure (AOPT) or Full Professor (PROF)

Clock Years 8+
Tenured faculty are eligible for one semester of paid leave (triennial leave of absence) after every 5 consecutive semesters of teaching.
Promotion to PROF
Review for promotion to PROF typically occurs 3-5 years into the AOPT appointment.

The instructions below are for academic unit chairs and staff facilitating FASTAP 2016 reviews.

Ladder faculty undergoing review for reappointment or promotion should refer to FASTAP 2016 Guidance for Faculty

Last Updated:

Clock Year 1: Initial appointment as assistant professor (AP1)

The initial appointment as assistant professor is made for five years, with a term beginning July 1 or (in some cases) January 1.

​Departments and appointing programs (academic units) engage in a rigorous international search “with the objective of appointing the finest and most promising faculty.” Refer to Ladder Faculty Searches.​ 

Clock Year 4: Review for reappointment as assistant professor (AP2)

​This review must be conducted no later than the penultimate year of the initial assistant professor appointment (clock year 4).

The review will follow either the academic year or calendar year timeline depending on the tenure clock start date.  

​Reviews initiated prior to the 4th tenure clock year require special permission. Contact your divisional dean and Sarah Logan, Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs, for more information.   

Related Resources

  • For Humanities faculty Marc Robinson FAS Dean of Humanities; Malcolm G. Chace '56 Professor of Theater, Dance, & Performance Studies and English; Professor of American Studies; Professor in the Practice of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism
  • For Social Science faculty Kenneth Scheve FAS Dean of Social Science; Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs
  • For Science faculty Larry Gladney FAS Dean of Science; Phyllis A. Wallace Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development in the FAS; Professor of Physics
  • Sarah Logan Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs

AP2 review

Receive template letters

Sarah Logan, Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs, will email the materials request letter, referee request email, and referee instructions letter templates to the academic unit chair and staff.

Related Resources
Notify candidate and create Interfolio case

Academic unit chair meets with candidate to explain process for upcoming review.


Academic unit chair sends the provided materials request letter to the candidate with a copy to


Academic unit staff create the case in Interfolio. Refer to the FAS unit administrator guide to Interfolio RPT.


*Note: in cases involving fully joint appointments, a single academic unit takes primary administrative responsibility for the process. Please refer to the memorandum of understanding governing the candidate's case.

Related Resources
Receive candidate's preliminary materials

Candidate will email preliminary materials to academic unit chair and staff as directed in the materials request letter.

Related Resources
Select academic unit faculty review committee

Academic unit chair selects faculty review committee, typically composed of three faculty members drawn from the pool of faculty members eligible to vote on the case (see Yale Faculty Handbook section IV.F.1 for FAS voting policies).

Select referees

Academic unit prepares list of proposed referees, following the referee/comparator information list guidelines (FASTAP 2016). Refer to the letter requirements for FASTAP 2016 and the criteria for arm's- length and fresh statuses.  


Academic unit chair proposes the list of external referees to the relevant divisional dean, with a copy to The divisional dean works with the chair to approve the referee list.   

Related Resources
  • Humanities Marc Robinson FAS Dean of Humanities; Malcolm G. Chace '56 Professor of Theater, Dance, & Performance Studies and English; Professor of American Studies; Professor in the Practice of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism
  • Social Science Kenneth Scheve FAS Dean of Social Science; Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs
  • Science Larry Gladney FAS Dean of Science; Phyllis A. Wallace Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development in the FAS; Professor of Physics
Solicit referee letters

Academic unit staff send the provided referee request email to the referees as soon as possible after receiving approval of the referee list from the relevant divisional dean. These initial messages must be sent by email.  


Academic unit staff track all referee responses, collect and save all referee preliminary correspondence, and send reminder emails to potential referees who have not responded as needed.  

Related Resources
Review candidate's final materials

The candidate uploads their final materials directly into Interfolio in accordance with the timeline as directed in the materials request letter.


Academic unit staff check that these materials are complete and fall within the required word/page counts as described on the TAC checklist and request revisions, as necessary, before transmitting the materials to the referees.


For Humanities only: for all publications listed on the CV not already uploaded by the candidate, academic unit staff gather PDFs (using Yale Library services as appropriate) and upload to Interfolio. 

Related Resources
Send materials to referees

After the candidate’s dossier is complete and ready to share, academic unit staff send the provided referee instructions letter to referees who have agreed to write. These letters must be sent through Interfolio.


NOTE: Please remember that all recommendation letters and referee letters should be held in the strictest confidence. Only those faculty members who are allowed to vote on a candidate’s case have permission to view the letters (see the Yale Faculty Handbook Section IV.F.1 for voting policy). The only document that may be shared with those not directly involved with a faculty search, appointment, or promotion is the candidate’s CV.  

Academic unit review

The eligible voting academic unit faculty (see Yale Faculty Handbook section IV.F.1) review the file and vote on the promotion. An affirmative vote is required for the case to move forward in the review process.  


Academic unit votes may take place once all letters have been received or one week after the latest deadline given to a referee (whichever occurs first). Academic unit votes must take place at least 4 weeks prior to the TAC review date.  


In fully joint cases, an affirmative vote is required by both academic units to proceed. Academic units must meet to vote separately, and each submit a department faculty vote form. Votes should occur as concurrently as possible, and results should not be shared between academic units.


Academic unit staff prepare the department faculty vote form.  

Related Resources
Prepare TAC case

Academic unit staff ensure all TAC checklist materials are completed and uploaded appropriately to the case prior to FAS Dean's Office review.


*Note: Refer to and download and/or print a fresh copy of the checklist for every case as updates are made periodically without announcement.

Related Resources
TAC review

If the academic unit vote is positive, the chair and/or other representatives attend the relevant tenure and appointments committee (TAC) to answer questions. 


If the TAC approves the case, the promotion moves on to votes of the Joint Boards of Permanent Officers (JBPO) and the Fellows of the Yale Corporation.  


After an affirmative vote from the JBPO, the FAS Dean’s Office sends the post-review letter (PRL) to the candidate, with a copy to the academic unit chair and staff.

Process reappointment

Academic unit staff refer to the FAS chart of required documents, submit the listed materials to the Office of Faculty Administrative Services (OFAS) at, and process the reappointment in Workday.

Related Resources

Clock Year 7: Review for promotion or initial appointment to tenure (AOPT or PROF)

​This review must be conducted no later than the penultimate year of the assistant professor reappointment (clock year 7).

​The review will follow either the academic year or calendar year timeline, depending on the tenure clock start date.  

​Reviews initiated prior to the 7th tenure clock year require special permission. Please contact your divisional dean and Sarah Logan, Assistant Dean of Faculty Affairs, for more information.  

Related Resources

  • For Humanities faculty Marc Robinson FAS Dean of Humanities; Malcolm G. Chace '56 Professor of Theater, Dance, & Performance Studies and English; Professor of American Studies; Professor in the Practice of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism
  • For Social Science faculty Kenneth Scheve FAS Dean of Social Science; Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs
  • For Science faculty Larry Gladney FAS Dean of Science; Phyllis A. Wallace Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development in the FAS; Professor of Physics
  • Sarah Logan Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs

Tenure review

Receive template letters

Sarah Logan, Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs, will email the materials request letter, referee request email, and referee instructions letter templates to the academic unit chair and staff.

Related Resources
Notify candidate and create Interfolio case

Academic unit chair meets with candidate to explain process for upcoming review.


Academic unit chair or staff sends the provided materials request letter to the candidate with a copy to


Academic unit staff create the case in Interfolio. Refer to the FAS unit administrator guide to Interfolio RPT.


*Note: in cases involving fully joint appointments, a single academic unit takes primary administrative responsibility for the process. Please refer to the memorandum of understanding governing the candidate's case.

Related Resources
Receive candidate's preliminary materials

Candidate will email preliminary materials to academic unit chair and staff as directed in the materials request letter.


Academic unit chair reviews these materials and determines, in consultation with unit faculty, whether the promotion review will be for the rank of associate professor with tenure or full professor, based on the criteria for the ranks.

Related Resources
Select academic unit faculty review committee

Academic unit chair selects faculty review committee, typically composed of three faculty members drawn from the pool of faculty members eligible to vote on the case (see Yale Faculty Handbook section IV.F.1 for FAS voting policies).

Select referees and comparators

Academic unit prepares list of proposed referees and comparators, following the referee/comparator information list guidelines (FASTAP 2016). Refer to the letter requirements for FASTAP 2016 and the criteria for arm's-length and fresh statuses.  


The academic unit chair proposes the list of external referees and comparators. This proposal is sent to relevant divisional dean, with a copy to The divisional dean works with the chair to approve the list.   

Related Resources
  • Humanities Marc Robinson FAS Dean of Humanities; Malcolm G. Chace '56 Professor of Theater, Dance, & Performance Studies and English; Professor of American Studies; Professor in the Practice of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism
  • Social Science Kenneth Scheve FAS Dean of Social Science; Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs
  • Science Larry Gladney FAS Dean of Science; Phyllis A. Wallace Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development in the FAS; Professor of Physics
Solicit referee letters

Academic unit staff send the provided referee request email to the referees as soon as possible after receiving approval of the referee list from the relevant divisional dean. These initial messages must be sent by email.  


Academic unit staff track all referee responses, collect and save all referee preliminary correspondence, and send reminder emails to potential referees who have not responded as needed.  

Related Resources
Review candidate's final materials

The candidate uploads their final materials directly into Interfolio in accordance with the timeline as directed in the materials request letter.


Academic unit staff check that these materials are complete and fall within the required word/page counts as described on the TAC checklist and request revisions, as necessary, before transmitting the materials to the referees.  


For Humanities only: for all publications listed on the CV not already uploaded by the candidate, academic unit staff gather PDFs (using Yale Library services as appropriate) and upload to Interfolio.  

Related Resources
Send materials to referees

After the candidate’s dossier is complete and ready to share, academic unit staff send the provided referee instructions letter to referees who have agreed to write. These letters must be sent through Interfolio.


NOTE: Please remember that all recommendation letters and referee letters should be held in the strictest confidence. Only those faculty members who are allowed to vote on a candidate’s case have permission to view the letters (see the Yale Faculty Handbook Section IV.F.1 for voting policy). The only document that may be shared with those not directly involved with a faculty search, appointment, or promotion is the candidate’s CV.  

Academic unit review

The eligible voting academic unit faculty (see Yale Faculty Handbook section IV.F.1) review the file and vote on the promotion. An affirmative vote is required for the case to move forward in the review process.  


Academic unit votes may take place once all letters have been received or one week after the latest deadline given to a referee (whichever occurs first). Votes must take place at least 4 weeks prior to the TAC review date.  


In a fully joint case, an affirmative vote is required by both academic units to proceed. Academic units must meet to vote separately, and each submit a department faculty vote form. Votes should occur as concurrently as possible, and results should not be shared between academic units.  


Academic unit staff prepare the department faculty vote form.

Related Resources
Prepare TAC case

Academic unit staff ensure all TAC checklist materials are completed and uploaded appropriately to the case prior to FAS Dean's Office review.


*Note: Refer to and download and/or print a fresh copy of the checklist for every case as updates are made periodically without announcement.

Related Resources
TAC review

If the academic unit vote is positive, the chair and/or other representatives attend the relevant tenure and appointments committee (TAC) to answer questions. 


If the TAC approves the case, the promotion moves on to votes of the Joint Boards of Permanent Officers (JBPO) and the Fellows of the Yale Corporation.  


After an affirmative vote from the JBPO, the FAS Dean’s Office sends the promotion letter to the candidate, with a copy to the academic unit chair and staff.  

Process promotion

Academic unit staff refer to the FAS chart of required documents, submit the listed materials to the Office of Faculty Administrative Services (OFAS) at, and process the reappointment in Workday.

Related Resources

Review for promotion to full professor (PROF)

Review for promotion to PROF typically occurs 3-5 years into the AOPT appointment.

Formal consideration for promotion from Associate Professor with Tenure to Professor requires the support of the department and the consent of the candidate.

Candidates may request to follow either the academic year or calendar year timeline.

Related Resources

  • For Humanities Marc Robinson FAS Dean of Humanities; Malcolm G. Chace '56 Professor of Theater, Dance, & Performance Studies and English; Professor of American Studies; Professor in the Practice of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism
  • For Social Science Kenneth Scheve FAS Dean of Social Science; Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs
  • For Science Larry Gladney FAS Dean of Science; Phyllis A. Wallace Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development in the FAS; Professor of Physics
  • Sarah Logan Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs

Full professor review

Receive template letters

Sarah Logan, Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs, will email the materials request letter, referee request email, and referee instructions letter templates to the academic unit chair and staff.

Related Resources
Notify candidate and create Interfolio case

Academic unit chair or staff sends the provided materials request letter to the candidate with a copy to


Academic unit staff create the case in Interfolio. Refer to the FAS unit administrator guide to Interfolio RPT.


*Note: in cases involving fully joint appointments, a single academic unit takes primary administrative responsibility for the process. Please refer to the memorandum of understanding governing the candidate's case.

Related Resources
Receive candidate's preliminary materials

Candidate will email preliminary materials to academic unit chair and staff as directed in the materials request letter.

Related Resources
Select academic unit review committee

Academic unit chair selects faculty review committee, typically composed of three faculty members drawn from the pool of faculty members eligible to vote on the case (see Yale Faculty Handbook section IV.F.1 for FAS voting policies).

Select referees

Academic unit prepares list of proposed referees, following the referee/comparator information list guidelines (FASTAP 2016). Refer to the letter requirements for FASTAP 2016 and the criteria for arm's-length and fresh statuses.  


The academic unit chair proposes the list of external referees. This proposal is sent to relevant divisional dean, with a copy to The divisional dean works with the chair to approve the list.   

Related Resources
  • Humanities Marc Robinson FAS Dean of Humanities; Malcolm G. Chace '56 Professor of Theater, Dance, & Performance Studies and English; Professor of American Studies; Professor in the Practice of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism
  • Social Science Kenneth Scheve FAS Dean of Social Science; Dean Acheson Professor of Political Science and Global Affairs
  • Science Larry Gladney FAS Dean of Science; Phyllis A. Wallace Dean of Diversity and Faculty Development in the FAS; Professor of Physics
Solicit referee letters

Academic unit staff send the provided referee request email to the referees as soon as possible after receiving approval of the referee list from the relevant divisional dean. These initial messages must be sent by email.  


Academic unit staff track all referee responses, collect and save all referee preliminary correspondence, and send reminder emails to potential referees who have not responded as needed.  

Related Resources
Review candidate's final materials

The candidate uploads their final materials directly into Interfolio in accordance with the timeline as directed in the materials request letter.


Academic unit staff check that the materials are complete and fall within the required word/page counts as described on the TAC checklist and request revisions, as necessary, before transmitting the materials to the referees.  


For Humanities only: for all publications listed on the CV not already uploaded by the candidate, the academic unit staff gather PDFs (using Yale Library services as appropriate) and upload to Interfolio.  

Related Resources
Send materials to referees

After the candidate’s dossier is complete and ready to share, academic unit staff send the provided referee instructions letter to referees who have agreed to write. These letters must be sent through Interfolio.


NOTE: Please remember that all recommendation letters and referee letters should be held in the strictest confidence. Only those faculty members who are allowed to vote on a candidate’s case have permission to view the letters (see the Yale Faculty Handbook Section IV.F.1 for voting policy). The only document that may be shared with those not directly involved with a faculty search, appointment, or promotion is the candidate’s CV.  

Academic unit review

The eligible voting academic unit faculty (see Yale Faculty Handbook section IV.F.1) review the file and vote on the promotion. An affirmative vote is required for the case to move forward in the review process.  


Academic unit votes may take place once all letters have been received or one week after the latest deadline given to a referee (whichever occurs first). Votes must take place at least 4 weeks prior to the TAC review date.  


In a fully joint case, an affirmative vote is required by both academic units to proceed. Academic units must meet to vote separately, and each submit a department faculty vote form. Votes should occur as concurrently as possible, and results should not be shared between academic units.  


Academic unit staff prepare the department faculty vote form.

Related Resources
Prepare TAC case

Academic unit staff ensure all TAC Checklist materials are completed and uploaded appropriately to the case prior to FAS Dean's Office review.


*Note: Refer to and download and/or print a fresh copy of the checklist for every case as updates are made periodically without announcement.

Related Resources
TAC review

If the academic unit vote is positive, the chair and/or other representatives attend the relevant tenure and appointments committee (TAC) to answer questions.


If the TAC approves the case, the promotion moves on to votes of the Joint Boards of Permanent Officers (JBPO) and the Fellows of the Yale Corporation.  


After an affirmative vote from JBPO, the FAS Dean’s Office sends the promotion letter to the candidate, with a copy to the academic unit chair and staff.  

Process promotion

Academic unit staff refer to the FAS chart of required documents, submit the listed materials to the Office of Faculty Administrative Services (OFAS) at, and process the reappointment in Workday.

Related Resources