Criteria - Lecturer-Track

Qualifications for Appointment and Promotion to the Ranks of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Senior Lecturer II

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Appointment/reappointment to the rank of lecturer is appropriate only for candidates whose responsibilities include regular teaching. Faculty members holding this rank will normally have earned the Ph.D. or its equivalent or another appropriate terminal degree.

Senior Lecturer
  1. Credentials & Previous Experience
    1. PhD or another appropriate terminal degree expected
    2. At least six years of full-time teaching experience, at Yale or elsewhere, in a ladder or non-ladder rank, including the rank of Lecturer
  2. Teaching
    1. A documented record of excellent teaching, which could include student ratings, peer evaluations, a narrative self-evaluation showing attention to teaching development, participation in teaching development programs through the Center for Teaching and Learning or elsewhere, and other forms of recognition
    2. A firm commitment to being an effective educator in every aspect of the work:
      1. Demonstrated capacity for substantive contributions to a teaching program, which could include:
        1. development of new courses or substantial improvement of existing ones
        2. contributions to training and mentoring graduate student teaching fellows
      2. Evidence of pedagogical work such as the development of instructional resources and/or innovative teaching methods
  3. Service
    1. Mentoring; student advising; participation in departmental affairs; recognition as a role model and engaged University citizen
Senior Lecturer II
  1. Credentials & Previous Experience
    1. PhD or another appropriate terminal degree expected
    2. At least ten years of full-time teaching experience, at Yale or elsewhere, in a ladder or non-ladder rank, including at least five years at Yale at the rank of Senior Lecturer
  2. Teaching
    1. Recognized on campus as a model of excellence in the areas of teaching and learning; sustained and documented record of excellent teaching, which could include student ratings, peer evaluations, samples of student work that demonstrate learning, a narrative self-evaluation showing attention to teaching development, participation in teaching development programs through the Center for Teaching and Learning or elsewhere, and other forms of recognition
    2. Understood to be a central and essential component of department’s teaching program:
      1. Demonstrates extraordinary success in enriching and enhancing learning and in creating opportunities for students
      2. Engages in pedagogical work such as the development of instructional resources and/or innovative teaching methods
      3. Makes substantive contributions to teaching programs, which could include:
        1. recognition on or beyond campus for disciplinary or cross-disciplinary pedagogy
        2. development of new courses or substantial improvement of existing ones
        3. significant contributions to training and mentoring graduate student teaching fellows
  3. Service
    1. Long-standing and sought-after service to the department, University, and broader community; recognized as an engaged citizen and mentor for students and faculty colleagues