FAS Faculty Academy Mini-Courses and Workshops
Faculty Academy offers FAS Faculty the opportunity to teach and take short courses with their peers.
Faculty Academy offers mini-courses and workshops taught by and to eligible FAS faculty. They are intended to generate new ideas and energy, to provide opportunities to learn and experiment with new methodologies, and to strengthen connections and community among FAS faculty.
Courses may be on any topic. They may draw on courses you have taught many times, or they may address a topic you have long wanted to explore. They may be taught by individual faculty or by pairs or small groups. Co-instructors may be from the same department, or wildly different ones. We invite exploration and experimentation.
During the 2024-25 academic year, Faculty Academy will pilot 2-3 workshops and courses that take place during the fall and spring semester. The majority of workshops and courses will continue to meet during the final weeks of May and/or first week of June, as they have in the past.
Register for the upcoming Faculty Academy course: Teaching and Learning with ChatGPT.
All FAS faculty are welcome to attend Faculty Academy courses. Faculty Academy courses can be proposed and taught by any ladder faculty member with a primary or fully joint appointment in an FAS department or program (including emeritus/a faculty), any Professor in the Practice, or any instructional (non-ladder) faculty member with a primary or fully joint full-time multi-year non-visiting appointment in an FAS department or program or the MacMillan Center.
Application Process
We invite eligible faculty to propose courses to be held in late May/early June.
To allow us to engage in appropriate planning, if you would like to propose a course, please upload a brief (one page) precis using the form below by Friday, April 4, 2025. If you have any questions about the process, please email sal2.fas@yale.edu.
Depending on interest, we hope to offer roughly 3-5 courses in late May/early June. We will announce these courses to the community in April. Once courses have been announced, all FAS faculty will be invited to participate as students. In the event of oversubscription, a selection process will be announced.
Faculty teaching Faculty Academy Mini-Courses will be provided with modest financial compensation (ranging from refreshments up to $3,000, depending on the scale of the course) in recognition of their efforts towards preparation and teaching.
Faculty Experiences
Participants reflect on Faculty Academy
Learning with FAS Colleagues
"Not only did I learn a lot -- it was also a great experience to process this topic with colleagues from many different departments within FAS."
Learning from Outstanding Instructors
"This course was outstanding. The instructors were engaged, so well prepared and so thoughtful. One of the best courses I have taken. This is an experience faculty should have."
Learning New Approaches
"In addition to imparting an enormous amount of context, the class also modeled for me how to have smart and sensitive conversations about historical and contemporary issues across a range of disciplines. This experience was a highlight of my year."
Learning for Enjoyment
"Intellectually, the course was a feast... The professor was marvelous, the course was rigorous, lively, and informative, and I learned a lot."