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  1. This message outlines the responsibilities that all faculty members and Teaching Fellows (TFs), now part of the Local 33-UNITE HERE union, are expected to fulfill when they collaborate to teach. This memo contains new information as of January 2025; please read through the materials below so you are aware of current policies. You will find details on (1) in-person instruction, (2) responsibility for instruction, (3) course materials, (4) grading and examinations, and (5) professional development for TFs; there is also information about (6) part-time acting instructors.

  2. Congratulations to FAS faculty honorees!

  3. Scholars as Leaders; Scholars as Learners 2018-2024 Report

  4. [Summary: FAS and SEAS faculty are invited to submit proposals for cross-divisional, co-taught courses that bridge the humanities and sciences, broadly defined. Courses must be taught by teams of two ladder faculty members, each from a different academic division of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences or the School of Engineering & Applied Science. Courses are to take place during the Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 academic terms. The deadline for proposals is January 20, 2025.]

  5. This message provides links to information on the membership of FAS, Yale College, and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences committees, along with links to lists of department and program chairs, DUSs, and DGSs.

  6. This message reminds all teaching faculty that the academic calendars for Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences courses differ.

  7. Summary: This message outlines the Faculty Activity Report submission process for FAS instructional faculty for 2024.

  8. Summary: This message outlines the Faculty Activity Report (FAR) submission process for FAS ladder faculty for 2024.

  9. This message encourages instructors to provide mid-semester feedback on student work and to record and back up all current grades.

  10. If you are teaching in Yale College in Spring 2025, please make sure that your Expanded Course Description is posted to Canvas no later than October 29, 2024, so that students can register for their Spring 2025 courses. The registration timeline for Spring 2025 courses can be found below.