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The stories of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences: the achievements and activities of our faculty, departments, and programs.

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  1. Freudenburg was honored for his 2022 book, Virgil's Cinematic Art: Vision as Narrative in the Aeneid.

    Kirk Freudenburg
  2. Yale researchers deliver insights into a pair of spiky sea creatures, the use of AI triage, and brain connections in the early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease.

    A virtual reconstruction of Punk ferox, highlighting the ancient mollusk’s top-of-the-body spikes (purple).
  3. Zadeh was most recently awarded the 2024 Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Middle Eastern Studies by the Modern Language Association.

    Travis Zadeh and the cover of his 2023 book, Wonders and Rarities: The Marvelous Book that Traveled the World and Mapped the Cosmos
  4. Giammei's book was honored by the Modern Language Association and the American Association for Italian Studies.

    Alessandro Giammei and the cover of his book, Ariosto in the Machine Age.
  5. A new Yale study finds that a destabilized ozone layer may have delayed the rise of land animals and plants on Earth.

    Noah Planavsky.
  6. In the field and in the lab, Assistant Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences Lidya Tarhan is deepening our understanding of early evolution and uncovering ancient organisms in Earth's sedimentary record.

    Lidya Tarhan
  7. A new study shows that the snail darter, a tiny fish that was the focus of a legal battle that gave teeth to the Endangered Species Act, is not a distinct species.

    A new study shows that the snail darter, a tiny fish (pictured) that was the focus of a legal battle that gave teeth to the Endangered Species Act, is not a distinct species.
  8. Daut's widely celebrated book Awakening the Ashes received an honorable mention for the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Studies.

    Marlene L Daut
  9. Schotland, who has made ground-breaking contributions to applied mathematics, joined the Yale faculty in 2020 and holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Physics.

    John Schotland
  10. Congratulations to all of the prize recipients of the 2024 FAS Winter Party raffle!