Grades for students who waived Fall 2021 final examinations
This message describes the grade submission process for students in Fall 2021 courses for which instructors provided the option to waive the final exam and base the final grade on work submitted during the semester. Students may either accept the grade, request an ABX and take a make-up exam, or convert the grade to CR. If students wish to convert the grade to CR, instructor approval is required. The process for approving CR requests is outlined below.
To: Yale College instructors whose final exams were scheduled for December 19-22, 2021
Cc: FAS Dean’s Office, FAS Steering, Yale College Dean’s Office, Registrar’s Office
[Summary: This message describes the grade submission process for students in Fall 2021 courses for which instructors provided the option to waive the final exam and base the final grade on work submitted during the semester. Students may either accept the grade, request an ABX and take a make-up exam, or convert the grade to CR. If students wish to convert the grade to CR, instructor approval is required. The process for approving CR requests is outlined below.]
January 10, 2022
Dear Colleagues:
You are receiving this message because you had a final exam for Fall 2021 that was originally scheduled to take place between December 19-22, 2021.
As outlined in the messages sent to students and faculty on December 18, 2021, if you offered students the option to waive the final examination and base their final grade on work submitted during the semester, students have three options:
- They may accept the grade;
- They may to convert it to the grade of “CR”;
- They may request an ABX from their residential college dean and take a make-up exam during the make-up exam period that will run from January 18-21, 2022.
If a student accepts their grade, please enter the grade immediately. If a student requests an ABX, this will be indicated on your grading roster and the student will need to take the make-up exam at the scheduled time. The ABX make-up grade deadline is February 7, 2022.
If any of your students elect to convert their grade to CR, additional action will be required on your part:
- Students who elect to convert their grade to CR will complete an online form indicating that they have made this choice. In this case, CR differs from the Cr in Cr/D/F because in the latter, students do not have the option to know their final grade before electing Cr/D/F. The CR option offered this term is available for this term only.
- If a student in your class elects to convert their grade to CR, you will receive an email notification instructing you to review and confirm or deny the student’s choice based on whether the student and the course are eligible for CR grades.
- Instructions for confirming or denying this request will be included in the email notification.
- If you confirm the student’s CR election, the registrar’s office will manually update the student’s grade.
- The deadline for students to request the CR option is 5:00 PM on January 14, 2022.
- Please confirm or deny any CR requests as soon as possible, no later than February 7, 2022. Delayed and missing grades impact student eligibility for graduation, promotion, registration, and athletics.
If you have questions about this process, please contact the University Registrar’s Office by emailing
We are grateful for your flexibility and for your attention to this matter.
Best wishes,
Tamar and Marvin
Tamar Szabó Gendler
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Marvin Chun
Dean of Yale College