2024 Faculty Activity Report Process - Instructional Faculty

Summary: This message outlines the Faculty Activity Report submission process for FAS instructional faculty for 2024.

To: FAS multi-year instructional faculty
Cc: FAS Dean’s Office; Office of Faculty Administrative Services; FAS Chair’s Assistants, Lead Administrators, and Operations Managers

Dear colleagues, 

We write to you to begin our annual Faculty Activity Report (FAR) process for the 2024 calendar year. This process informs salary changes and allows chairs and FAS Steering to make recommendations based on your accomplishments.

To be considered for a salary increase, you must submit an FAR response form and updated CV, even if you have submitted materials during the current academic year for reappointment or promotion. The FAR response form is based on recommendations from the 2019 Faculty Activity Committee.

The submission system is now open; the deadline to submit your materials is January 17, 2025.

Submitting the FAR

  • Deadline for submission: January 17, 2025
  • Please log in to submit through Workday. Note: department administrators do not have the Workday permissions to upload the FAR on your behalf.
  • The FAR response form is available for download on Box. 
  • Instructions for uploading your FAR and CV to Workday are available on the FAS website. Please make sure that the proper document category (Faculty Activity Report or Curriculum Vitae) is assigned to each document. Note: Please do not delete prior years’ documents. 
  • Once your FAR and CV are successfully submitted, they will immediately display in your Documents section, which serves as confirmation. 

FAR content

Please list or describe your activities and accomplishments for the calendar year 2024. Your responses and updated CV will be considered by your academic unit chair and the FAS Dean's Office, along with additional information from university records such as your appointment history, courses taught (with enrollments), and certain university committees. 

Describing your accomplishments and activities

When completing the form, please make sure that you highlight those aspects of teaching and service from calendar year 2024 that represent your major achievements of that year.  

You may also wish to describe activities that may not be reflected in our system-generated records or are not readily apparent in your CV. This may include details on student advising; guest lectures and conferences within and outside Yale that are connected to your teaching role; and service – both formal and informal – to the University, your profession, and your community.

Making changes to your FAR

If you wish to make changes to your 2024 FAR or CV prior to the deadline for submission, you can delete the uploaded version and upload a revised one directly in Workday. Please refer to the FAR instructions to make any changes. Please do not delete or alter prior years’ documents.

Questions and technical assistance

For technical assistance with submitting your FAR, please email itsteam1@yale.edu and begin your subject line with “FAR”. A dedicated IT support person will respond to your request. 

For general questions about the FAR process, please email fas.dean@yale.edu.

Best wishes,


Tamar Szabó Gendler
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Vincent J. Scully Professor of Philosophy
Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science
