Odd Arne Westad

Elihu Professor of History and Global Affairs 

Odd Arne Westad is Elihu Professor of History and Global Affairs at Yale University. He has previously taught at the London School of Economics and Political Science and Harvard University. Among his books are The Global Cold War, which won the Bancroft Prize, and Decisive Encounters, a history of the Chinese civil war. He also co-edited the three-volume Cambridge History of the Cold War. His most recent books are Restless Empire: China and the World since 1750, which won the Asia Society’s book award, and The Cold War: A World History. His new book, Empire and Righteous Nation: 600 Years of China-Korea Relations, will be published next year. His current research focuses on histories of empire and imperialism, first and foremost in Asia, but also world-wide, and on the history of late 20th-century economic change and its consequences.