Christophe Schuwey

Assistant Professor of French
Christophe Schuwey specializes in seventeenth-century French Literature. His research focuses on cultural transfers (specially between England and France), the making of cultural hierarchies, and the book market and marketing in the Classical age. He is the author of Peindre le siècle en comédies: une introduction au Misanthropeet au Tartuffede Molière (Painting the times through comedy: an introduction to Molière’s the Misanthrope and the Tartuffe). He is also active in the digital humanities field, having written a book titled Interfaces: une approche concrète des humanités numériques littéraires (Interfaces: A Concrete Approach to Digital Humanities and Literature), forthcoming, and multiple critical editions, published or under development. He earned his Ph.D. jointly at Paris-Sorbonne University and University of Fribourg, before obtaining a senior lecturer position at University of Fribourg.