Federico Brandmayr

Federico Brandmayr joins the FAS as Lecturer in Political Science and Sociology. He holds degrees in political science and sociology from the University of Trieste, Italy, and Sorbonne University in Paris, and has conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Cambridge, the MacMillan Center at Yale, and LUISS University in Rome. His work focuses on the politics of expertise—the contested production of expert knowledge and its reception and use by various groups, with an emphasis on knowledge about crime, terrorism, and political extremism. This focus forms the basis of his current book project.

Federico also investigates the contemporary distrust of (social) scientific experts, particularly within the Italian context, and studies philosophical critiques of the role played by science and technology in modern societies. Additionally, he is interested in the history of the social sciences, the sociology of professions and intellectuals, and social and political theory. His articles have been published in Sociological Theory; Science, Technology, & Human Values; Social Epistemology; the European Journal of Sociology; the European Journal of Social Theory; and elsewhere.