Joshua Moyer

Joshua Moyer joins Yale as Lecturer in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. is an evolutionary biologist whose research focuses on the ecological morphology and evolution of chondrichthyan fishes. Joshua earned his undergraduate degree in biology from Millersville University of Pennsylvania and his Master of Science in ecology and evolutionary biology from Cornell University. His doctoral work at the University of Massachusetts Amherst centered on the anatomy and kinematics of feeding in sharks. His research methods include dissection, histology, micro-CT scanning, multivariate behavioral analysis, and high-speed videography in field and aquarium settings. As a member of the American Elasmobranch Society, Joshua has chaired the society’s Outreach and Education Committee. He has taught courses in marine biology, evolution, comparative vertebrate anatomy, shark biology, histology, and ichthyology. Joshua’s teaching experience includes field-based courses as well as courses taught in the classroom and online. He is an enthusiastic proponent of student involvement in research.