Ira B. Bernstein
Karl A. Morse Professor of Engineering, Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering and Physics
Ira Bernstein, B.Ch.E.1944, C.U.N.Y., Ph.D., N.Y.U, faculty member at Yale since 1964. You are a world-renowned plasma physics theorist. For your development of energy principles in plasma physics and in classical fluid dynamics you have earned the informal title of “variational Bernstein.” For your exceptional work on the theory of plasma waves in magnetic fields, one of these waves has actually been named for you. In addition, you have brought order to complex fields such as plasma oscillations through a seminal classical review article, now much cited. All of this distinguished work has won you election to the US National Academy of Sciences, where you have served generously in numerous advisory roles.
At Yale, you have served as DGS in Engineering and as an admirable Director of the Division of Physical Science and Engineering, bringing exceptional knowledge to the judgments required in these positions. Through your wisdom and advice in departmental committees and faculty meetings, you have forced your colleagues to set their expectations higher, and have inspired them to meet them. Indeed, in all your endeavors you have held to the most rigorous standards, never asking of others what you did not achieve first yourself. Your colleagues believe that your challenge to Yale’s restructuring committee on the subject of engineering did much to redress that process. Through all of this, the power of your intellect has been contagious. As you retire, the Yale faculty salutes one who is deeply dedicated to veritas, no matter what its consequences, and to the lux that confirms truth’s virtues.