FAS COVID-19 messages from the 2021-2022 academic year
This is an archive of COVID-19 messages sent during the 2021-2022 academic year. Guidance for the current academic year is available on FAS COVID information and updates page.
Messages sent during Spring 2022
This message reminds instructors of what to do if they learn that a student has tested positive for COVID. Instructors should not alert other students; instead, the Yale Contact Tracing Team will manage the notification process. The class should continue to meet in person. Instructors are encouraged to provide accomodations that will allow students to continue learning if they must be absent from class. This message reminded faculty that in-person, on-campus instruction resumed on Monday, February 7. This message outlines important dates for the Spring 2022 term and provides additional details on instruction for the coming weeks. It includes details on the following: This message provides guidance for administering makeup exams for courses whose exams were originally scheduled for December 19-22, 2021. This message describes the grade submission process for students in Fall 2021 courses for which instructors provided the option to waive the final exam and base the final grade on work submitted during the semester. Students may either accept the grade, request an ABX and take a make-up exam, or convert the grade to CR. If students wish to convert the grade to CR, instructor approval is required. This message outlines follow-up measures implemented in response to the shift to remote final exams announced on December 18. As you know from President Peter Salovey and Provost Scott Strobel’s message titled “Update on plans for the spring semester,” within the FAS, the week of January 18 through January 21 will be used exclusively for undergraduate ABX exams. All ABX exams will be administered remotely; proctoring support will be available. Faculty who require TFs to administer remote exams are asked to complete this survey by January 10. The Spring 2022 term will begin on Tuesday, January 25. Classes will be held remotely from January 25 – February 4. To make up for the delayed start to the term, spring recess will begin at 5:00 PM on Friday, March 18 and classes will resume on Monday, March 28 at 8:20 AM. Further details on exam schedules and grading can be found below.Responding to student COVID cases (February 10, 2022)
In-person instruction resumes Monday, February 7 (February 3, 2022)
Update on Spring 2022 Calendar (January 14, 2022)
Make-up exams for Fall 2021 (January 13, 2022)
Grades for students who waived Fall 2021 final examinations (January 10, 2022)
Update on Spring 2022 for FAS, Yale College, and GSAS (December 22, 2021)
Messages sent during Fall 2021
This message informs instructors that any Yale College and GSAS final exams that take place on or after Sunday, December 19, will need to be offered remotely. Instructors are encouraged to accommodate students; the options at your disposal are outlined below. The Poorvu Center has developed guidance on remote exam proctoring and can provide remote proctors upon request This message urges kindness and compassion during the final weeks of term. This message reminds instructors that they may not request evidence of vaccination or documentation of COVID-19 test results from students. We encourage instructors to adopt reasonable absence policies that are adaptive to the public health situation. All students must be masked in all indoor classroom settings. Those who are not may be asked to leave class or may be reported to the relevant Health and Safety Leader. This message outlines the FAS policy regarding on-campus visits for shortlisted search candidates for searches taking place during the 2021-2022 academic year. This message offers clarification on how instructors may approach student absences due to illness. Instructors may not request evidence of vaccination or documentation of COVID-19 test results from students. We encourage instructors to adopt reasonable absence policies that are adaptive to the public health situation. This message outlines the contact tracing and cleaning procedures that will be followed in the event of a positive COVID test result. This message offers clarification on the following topics pertaining to the fall 2021 term: This message offers a follow-up on the provost’s message sent August 25, 2021. It includes information about the following topics: This message explains that ordinary department meetings may be held remotely, in-person, or in hybrid form, depending on the preference of the unit. Department meetings at which tenure and promotion decisions occur should be held in person, with the option of remote participation for those faculty who have formal accommodations through the university This message outlines teaching practices that faculty and students found effective throughout the pandemic and provides links to further information and resources from the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. This memo outlines FAS teaching policies for Fall 2021. It includes information on the following topics: In-person teaching and in-person learning This message announces a modification to the return to campus timeline for FAS staff. FAS staff who work directly with students will be expected to resume working on campus in accordance with all of their scheduled hours no later than August 23, 2021 (when students arrive). All FAS staff will be expected to resume working on campus in accordance with all of their scheduled hours no later than September 1, 2021 (when classes begin). During early August, certain staff may work with their supervisors to develop mutually acceptable work arrangements. A wellness webinar on returning to campus will be offered on July 27, 2021). This message outlines a timeline and guidelines for returning to on-campus work for staff in the FAS, GSAS, and Yale College. During June and July staff who wish to work on campus may request permission to do so from their supervisors. August 2-23 will be a period of phased return. Beginning Monday, August 23, all FAS, GSAS, and Yale College staff should expect to be on campus daily. Staff with extenuating circumstances may request flexibility This message explains that education at Yale is expected to take place primarily in-person during the Fall 2021 term, public health conditions permitting. Faculty and students will be expected to engage in their teaching and learning activities on campus, in person, in New Haven. Faculty who cannot come to campus for medical reasons will be able to request accommodations in order to teach remotely.Changes to final examination procedures effective Sunday, December 19 (December 18, 2021)
Care and kindness for colleagues and students (December 7, 2021)
Reminder: student confidentiality and mask requirements (October 29, 2021)
Policy regarding on-campus visits for shortlisted search candidates for Fall 2021 (October 4, 2021)
Student absence and attendance policies (September 28, 2021)
Contact tracing and cleaning procedures (September 8, 2021)
Fall 2021 FAS teaching policies: Updates and resources (August 30, 2021)
Teaching policies in the FAS: Follow-up to Provost’s Faculty Policies for the Fall Semester Memo of August 25 (August 25, 2021)
Policies for Fall 2021 FAS department meetings (August 23, 2021)
Resources on effective teaching practices (August 6, 2021)
Policies on in-person teaching for fall 2021 (August 5, 2021)
Masks in classrooms
Lecture and seminar courses
Faculty requests for long-term accommodations
Faculty requests for short-term arrangements
Expectations for teaching fellows
Visitors to campusFlexibility for FAS staff during early August (July 9, 2021)
Return to campus plans for FAS, GSAS, and Yale College staff (June 16, 2021)
On-campus teaching in Fall 2021 (May 3, 2021)
Archive of COVID messages pertaining to the 2020-2021 academic year