Faculty Retirement
Administrative Processes:
Faculty members who are retiring from Yale should be referred to Employee Services to determine if they are eligible for retiree benefits.
Certain faculty members may be eligible for continuous emeritus status, which is similar to having an active employee status, for life. (Refer to the Faculty Handbook, section XIX.) The transition to emeritus status, as well as all transitions to phased retirement, are managed by the staff in the Office of Faculty Administrative Services. Please email faculty.admin@yale.edu for more information.
If the faculty member is not eligible for emeritus status but is deemed eligible for retiree status, their record in Workday must be terminated by the department to have the retiree benefits added.
Department administrators (chair’s assistant or equivalent) are responsible for managing terminations for retiring non-emeritus faculty in Workday, and can refer to this Workday Training Guide as well as the FAS Chart of Required Documents for submissions to facultyadmin@yale.edu. The Termination Date needs to be the same as the last day of work, not the next day.
Please refer to the Faculty Handbook on the Provost Site to learn more about Faculty Retirement.