Review for reappointment as Professor in the Practice


Professors in the practice will be distinguished practitioners who demonstrate eminence in the field, sustained accomplishment, and sustained activity in their area of practice. They will hold national or international reputations for their innovative and transformational contributions to their practice, through creative work, professional leadership, practice-centered publications, or other demonstrations of significant accomplishment. Exceptional contributions as a practitioner are the basis of evaluation. This appointment is not intended for those whose field of practice is primarily that of teaching or pedagogy. (Faculty Handbook, IV.I)

Conditions and Terms of Appointment

FAS appointments at this rank must be at least half-time. Terms can be for up to five years, with the possibility of reappointment in accordance with applicable policies and procedures. Initial appointment or promotion to this rank will require review by the appropriate Tenure and Appointments Committee and approval of the Yale Corporation.


This review must be conducted no later than the penultimate year of the candidate’s appointment.


Please expand or collapse the sections below as needed.

1. Candidate Notification

  • The department chair meets with the candidate to explain the process for the upcoming review. The department chair sends the candidate the Materials Request Letter advising of the review and requesting the necessary materials, with a copy to

*Note: In cases involving fully joint appointments, a single unit takes primary administrative responsibility for the appointment/promotion process. For promotions, please refer to the Memorandum of Understanding governing the candidate’s case. In these cases, that unit should consult with the FAS Dean’s Office regarding the selection of templates and preparation of case materials.

2. Dossier Submission

  • The department/program works with the candidate to collect the candidate’s materials in Interfolio, which include:
    • An updated CV, Professional Resume, or Biography
    • A short statement (not to exceed 500 words) on their activities, accomplishments, and plans for the future
  • The chair’s assistant (or equivalent) checks that these materials fall within the required word counts and requests revisions when necessary.

3. Initial TAC Review

  • Before the end of the fall semester, the relevant Tenure and Appointments Committee (TAC) will review the dossier in Interfolio to consider whether a full review is necessary.
  • No department vote is necessary before or after the TAC review.

4. Full Review

  • If the TAC determines that further review is warranted, the relevant divisional dean will chair a review committee that includes the department chair and another senior faculty member from another department from within the division.
  • The committee will determine the process necessary to conduct the review, which could include the solicitation of up to three referee letters or evaluations from inside or outside the university as well as classroom observations.
  • The committee will make a recommendation on reappointment to the FAS Dean before the end of the spring semester.

5. Final Review

  • If the TAC determines that no full review is necessary, or if the FAS Dean decides to approve the reappointment following a full review, the reappointment moves on to a vote of the Fellows of the Yale Corporation.

6. Reappointment Processing

  • If the TAC determines that no full review is necessary, or if the FAS Dean decides to approve the reappointment following a full review, the FAS Dean’s Office will submit the reappointment letter to the candidate, with a copy to departmental chairs and staff.
  • Department administrators (chair’s assistant or equivalent) are responsible for processing all appointments, reappointments, and promotions in Workday as soon as possible after receiving the appropriate letter from the FAS Dean’s Office, which serves as the supporting documentation. Please refer to the FAS Chart of Required Documents for submission of supporting documents to, which lists several links to Workday training guides.