Ladder Faculty Travel Grant

Updated 07/09/2024

For eligible ladder faculty in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the FAS Dean’s Office will provide travel funds to professional meetings in accordance with the following conditions and restrictions.  

  • For tenured faculty, the maximum amount of reimbursement is $1,000 per academic year.
  • For non-tenured faculty, the maximum amount of reimbursement is $1,500 each academic year.
  • Eligible faculty include: all those appointed to the ranks of Lecturer Convertible, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, as well as persons holding part-time appointments in the ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Persons who hold visiting or part-time adjunct appointments are not eligible.
  • The faculty member must be employed by the University at the time of the trip. For faculty living away from Yale for an extended period of time while on a paid leave of absence, reimbursement will be based on a round trip to the meeting from that place of residence. Faculty who are on unpaid leaves are not eligible.
  • To qualify for a travel grant, the faculty member must actively participate in the meeting by reading a paper, chairing a panel, serving as an officer of a professional association, contributing as a stated participant in a formal discussion, or participating in a significant way. Speaking or delivering a paper as a lecturer or visitor at another university does not qualify for use of these funds, unless the event is a meeting that includes faculty from other universities. A department Chair or Dean who believes that some activity not listed above qualifies as formal participation should consult the FAS Dean’s Office in advance of the trip.
  • For travel either abroad or in the United States, the University will authorize, up to the maximum, a grant equal to the lowest available roundtrip coach airfare from New Haven, New York, Bridgeport, or Hartford to the airport closest to the meeting. The grant thus calculated may then be used as reimbursement for whatever mode of travel the recipient finds most convenient.
  • Reimbursement will be based upon actual travel costs incurred from New Haven directly to the city of the meeting, subject to the maximum set forth in the travel grant. If the traveler chooses to use their personal automobile, reimbursement will be at the University’s current rate of mileage, but not to exceed the cost of the lowest available airfare. Within the maximum of the grant, the faculty member will be reimbursed for conference registration fees, accommodations, and meals at the University’s set per diem rate. Mileage and per diem rates are changed on a yearly basis, and these rates can be obtained from the Controller’s Office or from your departmental business manager or assistant.
  • Within the annual maximum ($600 for tenured faculty and $1,200 for non-tenured), the funds may be spent on one or more qualifying trips. The reimbursement form can be accessed online here.