Warm wishes for spring break, March 31 FAS-affiliated faculty meeting, April 4 faculty tea

Friday, March 18, 2022
[Summary: Warmest wishes for spring break. At our FAS-affiliated faculty meeting on March 31 (4-5:30, by zoom), we look forward to being joined by President Salovey. You may submit questions in advance; further details will follow. FAS faculty are also invited to attend an informal faculty tea co-hosted by the Poorvu Center on April 4 from 10:00-11:00 AM.]
To: FAS faculty
Cc: FAS Steering, FAS Dean’s Office, President’s Office, Provost’s Office
Dear FAS faculty:
As I write, the sun is shining and we are just a few hours away from spring break. Over the past weeks, campus has reopened piece by piece and it has been energizing to encounter many of you in our hallways, our classrooms, and the lunch lines at Commons. It has been a welcome reminder of the vibrancy of our intellectual community, and I am grateful for all that you do to advance our research and teaching, and to support one another.
The past two years have been isolating for many of us, and headlines around the world continue to be dispiriting. I hope that this spring is a season of reconnection on our campus, and that community among colleagues can be a source of solace. I also hope that you will avail yourself of support if you need it – whether through programs and resources for which you may be eligible, such as the FAS Coaching for Success program or the university’s Personal Wellness Program, or by connecting with colleagues. Finally, I hope the coming break is a time of restoration and respite.
In this spirit of reconnection, President Peter Salovey will join us as a guest speaker at a meeting of FAS-affiliated faculty that will take place from 4:00–5:30 on Thursday, March 31. The meeting will take place on Zoom; while it will be virtual, I am nonetheless looking forward to the opportunity to see many of you. President Salovey will update us on his plans for the FAS and for the university more broadly. If you would like to submit a question for the president in advance, you may do so by emailing fas.dean@yale.edu by 9:00 AM on Tuesday, March 29. Please include “Question for FAS faculty meeting” in the subject heading of your email message. A full agenda and Zoom details will follow.
In addition, I invite you join me in April for an opportunity to connect in person. I will be joining our colleagues at the Poorvu Center for an informal, come-and-go faculty tea and coffee hour on Monday, April 4, from 10:00–11:00 AM. We will be discussing ways to build community among faculty. All are welcome; if you would like to attend, please sign up using the online registration form.
With warmest wishes for a restful and restorative spring break,
Tamar Szabó Gendler
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Vincent J. Scully Professor of Philosophy
Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science