April 2021 News

April 16, 2021
Charles Hill, a career diplomat, teacher, and scholar, died in New Haven, Connecticut on March 27, 2021. As a member of the U.S. Foreign Service he represented his nation...
April 16, 2021
In a new study published in the journal Nature Sustainability, Hailiang Wang and colleagues at Yale and the Southern University of Science and Technology in China described a...
April 15, 2021
Entering the new Humanities Quadrangle, you might notice 12 stone heads adorning the front arch. The story of their faces is more complex than you might think.
April 14, 2021
As you enter the new Humanities building at 320 York Street—the Humanities Quadrangle, or HQ—you might notice twelve stone heads looking down at you from the arched entrance...
April 1, 2021
After 30 months of renovations, the redesigned and refurbished Humanities Quadrangle at 320 York St. is now a shared home to 15 humanities departments and more.