Review for promotion within the tenure ranks to full professor (PROF)

Formal consideration for promotion from Associate Professor with Tenure to Professor requires the support of the department and the consent of the candidate. Candidates may request to follow either the academic year or calendar year timeline.

For the templates and forms needed for this review, see the FASTAP 2007 Document Library.


Candidates for the rank of professor are expected to stand among the foremost leaders in their fields throughout the world. It is expected that professors will continue to develop the qualities of scholarship, creativity, teaching and University citizenship that earned them their appointments.

“Tenured associate professors must be reviewed by their department for promotion within five years. In exceptional cases, when at least seven years have passed from the date of appointment or promotion to associate professor with tenure, the Provost, in consultation with the department chair, may recommend that individual directly to the Corporation for promotion to professor.”


Please expand or collapse the sections below as needed.

1. Template Letter Preparation and Approval

  • The department/program chair (supported by the chair’s assistant or equivalent) prepares the:
    • Materials Request Letter, which advises the candidate of the review and serves to request the necessary materials. This template may be found in the FASTAP 2007 Document Library.
    • two template letters when contacting referees: the first to request that they review and submit a letter (the Referee Request Email), and the
    • second after they have confirmed their participation to give them more information on what is expected (the Referee Instructions Letter). Please ensure a deadline date of at least two weeks prior to the Department Faculty Vote date to allow for review.
  • The department/program chair (supported by the chair’s assistant or equivalent) submits all three template letters to with a copy to Sarah Logan at for approval.
  • An approval email is sent from the FAS Dean’s Office to the department/program chair and chair’s assistant.

2. Candidate Notification

  • The department chair meets with the candidate to explain the process for the upcoming review.
  • The department chair sends the candidate the approved version of the Materials Request Letter advising of the review and requesting the necessary materials, with a copy to

*Note: In cases involving fully joint appointments, a single unit takes primary administrative responsibility for the promotion process. Please refer to the Memorandum of Understanding governing the candidate’s case. In these cases, that unit should consult with the FAS Dean’s Office regarding the selection of templates and preparation of case materials.

3. Initial Review Materials & Case Creation

  • The department/program chair’s assistant (or equivalent) creates the Interfolio case for the review, and selects YES when asked the question of whether the candidate will be involved with the review. In the case, the chair’s assistant (or equivalent) then Sends the Case Forward to Notify the Candidate, so that the candidate may upload materials directly.
  • The candidate provides the department chair with preliminary materials, which consist of electronic copies of a detailed academic CV, names of up to three individuals who might serve as “arms-length” referees (persons, to the best of the department’s knowledge, who were or are not teachers/mentors/advisors or others who have a close personal relationship with the candidate), names of up to three individuals whom the candidate believes would not offer a fair assessment of their work, and a brief statement of research interests to help guide the department in its selection of additional referees.

4. Departmental Committee Selection

  • The department/program chair selects a departmental faculty review committee, typically composed of three faculty members drawn from the pool of faculty members eligible to vote on the case (see link for faculty eligibility).
  • The department/program chair’s assistant (or equivalent) adds the review committee onto the Department Review Committee step in Interfolio, by adding an ad hoc committee, and adding the faculty members one by one into the committee.
  • The department/program chair’s assistant (or equivalent) adds the eligible voting faculty onto the Eligible Voting Faculty step in Interfolio, by adding a standing committee. In order to edit the members of a standing committee, the chair’ assistant should click on Users and Groups under Cases in the left-hand column to maintain their faculty lists by rank.
    • Note: the department/program chair’s assistant (or equivalent) may add the department review committee (as an ad hoc committee) or dept chair (as an individual user) onto any step of the case if desired.

5. Referee Selection and Approval

  • The FAS Dean and chair of the divisional/area Tenure and Appointments Committee (TAC) work with the chair(s) of the appointing department(s) and departmental review committee(s) to choose experts in the candidate’s field to serve as external referees.
  • The department/program chair (supported by the chair’s assistant or equivalent) prepares an alphabetized list of proposed referees, following the Referee/Comparator Information List Guidelines (FASTAP 2007). External reviewers are instructed to assess whether the candidate “stands among the foremost leaders in their fields throughout the world.” A minimum of seven letters from referees is required; typically it is expected that at least four of the letters must come from referees who have not previously written for the candidate for an appointment or promotion at Yale. Ideally, all will hold an “arm’s-length” relation to the candidate (that is, will not have served as the candidate’s teacher, mentor, or research collaborator, and will not have a conflict of interest). Please refer to the chart of letter requirements for FASTAP 2007, as well as the Qualifications and Criteria for Arm’s Length and Fresh Statuses.
  • The department chair proposes the list of external referees. This proposal is sent to relevant divisional dean, with a copy to
  • The divisional dean works with the department chair to approve the referee list. The approval email sent from the divisional dean to the department chair includes a copy to and Sarah Logan at

6. Referee Letter Solicitation

  • The department/program chair (supported by the chair’s assistant or equivalent) sends the previously approved Referee Request Email to the referees as early as possible after receiving approval of the referee list from the relevant divisional dean. These initial emails should not be sent through Interfolio.
  • Chair’s assistants (or equivalent) track all referee responses for submission according to the TAC Checklist materials below (i.e. the Referee Response Form and the Referee Preliminary Correspondence), and send reminder emails to potential referees who have not responded.

7. Dossier Submission

  • The department/program works with the candidate to collect the candidate’s dossier, which includes their CV, service/teaching/research statements, and scholarship. Please refer to the materials submission deadline in the Materials Request Letter. The candidate should upload their dossier directly into Interfolio.
  • The chair’s assistant (or equivalent) checks that these materials fall within the required word/page counts as described on the TAC Checklist and requests revisions when necessary.
  • For Humanities only: for all publications listed on the CV not already uploaded by the candidate, the chair’s assistant (or equivalent) gathers PDFs (using Yale Library services as appropriate) and uploads to Interfolio.

8. Dossier Transmission to Referees

  • After the candidate’s dossier is complete and ready to share, the department/program chair (supported by the chair’s assistant or equivalent) sends the previously approved Referee Instructions Letter to referees who have agreed to write. These letters should be sent through Interfolio.
    • Note: In addition to the candidate’s CV and scholarship, referees should receive access to the candidate’s service, teaching, and research statements. Please click the grey File – Add button below the message body text to attach candidate materials to the Interfolio evaluation request. To ensure confidentiality, the referees will only be able to view what the administrator attaches to the evaluation request in Interfolio; they will not have access to the full case.
  • The chair’s assistant (or equivalent) sends reminder messages via email 2 weeks and 1 week before the final referee letter deadline to those who have agreed to but not yet submitted an evaluation.

NOTE: Please remember that all recommendation letters and referee letters should be held in the strictest confidence. Only those faculty members who are allowed to vote on a candidate’s case have permission to view the letters (see the Faculty Handbook Section IV.F.1 for voting policy).The only document that may be shared with those not directly involved with a faculty search, appointment, or promotion is the candidate’s CV.

9. Departmental Review

  • The department faculty review the file and vote on the promotion. An affirmative vote by the department is required for the case to move forward in the review process. Department administrators are responsible for submitting the results via the Department Faculty Vote Form to the Interfolio case, and forwarding the case to FAS Dean – Dept Vote (Results) using the instructions on the appropriate TAC checklist.
  • Note: In a fully joint case, an affirmative vote is required by both departments to proceed. Departments must meet to vote separately, and each submit a Department Faculty Vote Form. Departmental votes ordinarily take place after all letters have been received from confirmed referees. However, if there are outstanding letters, the departmental vote may take place at least one week after the latest deadline provided to any referees. There should be at least a 4 week window between the departmental vote date and the TAC review date.

10. TAC Case Preparation

Chair’s assistants (or equivalent) are responsible for completing the TAC Checklist materials in Interfolio prior to the TAC review. Departments should use Interfolio as well for the departmental review process. Please refer to the appropriate TAC Checklist below. Please do not print and save old versions of TAC checklists or forms; always refer to the latest versions of all policies, procedures, and documents as found on

  • The case must be complete in Interfolio (that is, all the documents in the checklist must be uploaded and steps 1- 5 must be complete) THREE WEEKS in advance of the Tenure and Appointments Committee (TAC) meeting.
  • STEP 1: Upload (use the Add File button) the Department Faculty Vote Form. *Note: Please eliminate the instructional pages and only upload the final page, which is the vote form. Before sending the case forward, set the Access properties to Administrator Only for this Department Vote document. To set access, click on the square to the left of the document, and a green bar at the top will appear. Click on Settings, and scroll down to select the access level. Now, click Send Forward to the FAS Dean (Dept Vote - Results). Please keep the message checkbox checked to trigger a notification when the case is moved forward. This step starts the process of the TAC review (or ends it if the department vote is no).
  • STEP 2: Please continue to upload the required materials from the appropriate TAC checklists listed below while at the step FAS Dean (Dept Vote - Results). Be sure to label each document according to the header of each TAC checklist item whenever possible (candidate uploaded documents can be left named as is if unable to edit).
  • STEP 3: Verify that the packet is complete – click the Read button to view the packet and check that all documents are uploaded and are legible. For the materials on the TAC Checklist (with the exception of the Department Faculty Vote Form), set the Access property to Administrator & Entire Committee. Please set all other documents to Administrator only, including the Department Faculty Vote Form. Send the case forward to FASDO – TAC Materials Complete. Please keep the message checkbox checked to trigger a notification when the case is moved forward.
  • STEP 4: At least three weeks prior to the TAC meeting (or as soon as possible), provide any scholarship (e.g., book, article, or manuscript) that is not available electronically that the department would like to make available to TAC members in advance of the meeting where the case will be discussed. Deliver these items to Sarah Logan, Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs in the FAS Dean’s Office.

11. Please expand the relevant TAC Checklist by division.

TAC Checklist - Biological Sciences

Please do not print and save old versions of TAC checklists or forms; always refer to the latest versions of all policies, procedures, and documents as found on

Required materials to be uploaded to Interfolio

  1. Please upload documents into the case sections shown below. No other sections should be added to any cases. Note: any materials uploaded by the candidate to Candidate Documents are not able to be moved to any other section, and should remain as is.
  2. Please save documents electronically as Adobe PDF, rather than scan hard copies to PDF.
  3. Please use the standardized names given in bold below. If there are multiple items with the same name, append a number at the end.
  4. Materials that are for departmental review that are not going to the TAC (i.e., any items not on the list below) should be set to Administrators Only access (click on the checkbox to the left of the item, then settings in the green top toolbar, and scroll down to Administrators Only).

Candidate Documents

  • Candidate’s CV ([Name], [Date of Last Revision])
    The candidate’s current CV, conforming to the guidelines specified in the materials request letter sent to the candidateThis CV should be the same version that was sent to the referees.

NOTE: For the Service, Teaching and Research statements, be sure each statement conforms to the word counts listed. Statements submitted over the word counts should be returned to the candidate for editing prior to the materials being sent to the department review committees.

  • Candidate Service Statement
    A statement of 250–500 words describing the candidate’s most significant contributions, both formal and informal, in departmental, university, and professional service
  • Candidate Teaching Statement
    A statement of 500–750 words describing the candidate’s approach to teaching, advising, and mentoring
  • Candidate Research Statement
    A statement of 750–1000 words describing the candidate’s research program and future plans
  • Scholarship Cover
    A cover sheet providing the bibliographic information of each sample, including page numbers. Number the scholarship samples.
  • Scholarship Samples
    Five (5) selected articles authored by the candidate representing the candidate’s research program. These are usually published or “in press” peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals. Manuscripts in preparation or submitted are not acceptable. Annotate each citation to describe the candidate’s specific contribution to the work and how the publication has advanced the field. The annotation should follow the citation it addresses. These items should be selected to help the committee grasp the range and significance of the candidate’s scholarship and research. Upload each scholarship sample as a separate document, enumerated 1-5. These numbers should match the order on the Scholarship Cover.

Committee Documents

  • Materials Request Letter
    The template letter advising the candidate of the review and requesting the necessary materials. Please set the security setting to Administrator Only access.
  • Department Case Summary
    Use the form provided here.
  • Principal Modes of Publication
    Please describe the principal modes of publication in the candidate’s general area(s) of study (journal articles, monographs, etc.), which will help inform those evaluating the case about the relevant publication context. What are the top journals and best presses for such work? (In the case of journals, please identify which of these are subfield journals and which are journals that serve the field as a whole. If it is customary in your field to present citation information as a way of documenting a journal’s prestige and influence, please include that information in your list.) If the field’s best work is disseminated in a different way (for example, through prestigious lectureships, conferences, or other means) please bring these to the committee’s attention. If the field’s publications include multiple authors, please explain any customs governing the order of co-authors. This document should be tailored to the candidate’s general area(s) of study, but not to the candidate; that is, it should not highlight or evaluate the candidate’s actual publication placement history.
  • Citations Data Set
    A set of data on citations of the candidate’s work, which will help in assessing the impact of that work. The source(s) of the data should be clearly identified and a statement provided that explains the choice of the database(s) from which the citation information is drawn.
  • Template Letters
    Two template letters: (a) the initial email to potential referees asking them to evaluate the candidate, and (b) the follow-up email, which includes the detailed instructions for the review, sent to external evaluators after they have agreed to serve as referees. Both letters should be uploaded as one document. Note: it is sufficient to provide only one example of each of the two template letters. Initial referee request emails should not be sent through Interfolio, but the follow-up referee instructions letter should be sent through Interfolio to those referees who have agreed to write.
  • Referee Response Form
    Use the form provided here. Note: The candidate’s suggestion, arm’s-length, and fresh columns must be completed for ALL referees, including those who declined or did not provide a letter.
  • Referee Bio List
    An alphabetized and annotated list of referees who were approved by the TAC chair and the FAS Dean’s Office and were asked for letters. After the name, indicate in bold whether the scholar declined (“declined”), provided a letter (“letter”), agreed but did not provide a letter (“agreed but no letter”), or did not reply (“no reply”). The material describing each referee should include all of the information described in the Referee/Comparator Information List Guidelines.
  • Referee Preliminary Correspondence
    All preliminary correspondence seeking references (requests and responses), including those from potential referees who declined. Please use the Referee Preliminary Correspondence Template to track and submit all responses. The primary purpose is to collect affirmative responses, declinations, and if declined, the reason for the declination. Please include all correspondence with all referees, beginning with their first reply.
  • Department Faculty Vote Form
    Use the vote form provided here. Please set the security setting to Administrator Only access.

External Evaluations

  • Referee Letter - [Referee Last Name]
    All referee letters of evaluation received, organized alphabetically by referee surname – uploaded as separate documents. A minimum of seven (7) referees must hold an “arm’s-length” relation to the candidate (that is, they must have not served as the candidate’s teacher, mentor, or research collaborator, and must not have a conflict of interest). At least four (4) of these arm’s-length letters must be “fresh” (that is, they must come from referees who have not previously written for the candidate for an appointment or promotion at Yale). The requester should ask for letters to be in English whenever possible. Letters submitted in other languages should be sent to the divisional dean for translation, with a copy to Sarah Logan at After receiving the translation from the FAS Dean’s Office, combine the translation and original language letter into one PDF document, with the English translation first.

Course Evaluations

  • Courses Taught at Yale

    A list of all courses taught at Yale with number of instructors and size of enrollments. Chairs’ assistants may retrieve these through Tableau’s Faculty Course Information report, which requires authentication with NetID and password, as well as a secure VPN connection. Click the Semester dropdown on the right, make sure that “All” is checked, click “Apply,” wait for the report to run, and click out of the dropdown. Click the Faculty Member dropdown, click the box next to “All” to uncheck everyone, type in part or all of the faculty member’s last name, and click the box next to the faculty member’s name to check it. For faculty with appointments in multiple academic units, please deselect all but one academic unit in the dropdown menu; otherwise the full set of courses will be repeated for each unit selected. Click Download in the upper right corner and click PDF. Leave all the settings intact, and click the green Download button. Upload the downloaded PDF into Interfolio with the naming convention [LastName]_[Courses Taught at Yale].

  • Course Evaluations
    Course evaluations for the eight (8) most recent semesters (excluding summer terms) for which evaluations are available. Chairs’ assistants may retrieve these through the OCE Faculty Dashboard, where they should select the OCE TAC Report on the top right hand corner of the page, type in the candidate’s name in the Instructor field, wait for the Term box to be filled in (it automatically selects the most recent fall/spring terms, up to 8), and click Search. For each course in the list, click the course number link, save that course’s evaluations page as a PDF with the naming convention [LastName]_[CourseNumber]_[Semester] [Year] ​(example: Jones_PLSC 100_Spring 2017), and upload each evaluation separately to Interfolio in reverse chronological order, with the most recent semester first. If a chair’s assistant does not have access to the Dashboard, the department chair should contact the Registrar’s Office at to request access for the chair’s assistant.

TAC Checklist - Humanities

Please do not print and save old versions of TAC checklists or forms; always refer to the latest versions of all policies, procedures, and documents as found on

Required materials to be uploaded to Interfolio

  1. Please upload documents into the case sections shown below. No other sections should be added to any cases. Note: any materials uploaded by the candidate to Candidate Documents are not able to be moved to any other section, and should remain as is.
  2. Please save documents electronically as Adobe PDF, rather than scan hard copies to PDF.
  3. Please use the standardized names given in bold below. If there are multiple items with the same name, append a number at the end.
  4. Materials that are for departmental review that are not going to the TAC (i.e., any items not on the list below) should be set to Administrators Only access (click on the checkbox to the left of the item, then settings in the green top toolbar, and scroll down to Administrators Only).

Candidate Documents

  • Candidate’s CV ([Name], [Date of Last Revision])
    The candidate’s current CV, conforming to the guidelines specified in the materials request letter sent to the candidateThis CV should be the same version that was sent to the referees.

NOTE: For the Service, Teaching and Research statements, be sure each statement conforms to the word counts listed. Statements submitted over the word counts should be returned to the candidate for editing prior to the materials being sent to the department review committees.

  • Candidate Service Statement
    A statement of 250–500 words describing the candidate’s most significant contributions, both formal and informal, in departmental, university, and professional service
  • Candidate Teaching Statement
    A statement of 500–750 words describing the candidate’s approach to teaching, advising, and mentoring
  • Candidate Research Statement
    A statement of 750–1000 words describing the candidate’s research program and future plans

Committee Documents

  • Materials Request Letter
    The template letter advising the candidate of the review and requesting the necessary materials. Please set the security setting to Administrator Only access.
  • Department Case Summary
    Use the form provided here.
  • Principal Modes of Publication
    Please describe the principal modes of publication in the candidate’s general area(s) of study (journal articles, monographs, etc.), which will help inform those evaluating the case about the relevant publication context. What are the top journals and best presses for such work? (In the case of journals, please identify which of these are subfield journals and which are journals that serve the field as a whole. If it is customary in your field to present citation information as a way of documenting a journal’s prestige and influence, please include that information in your list.) If the field’s best work is disseminated in a different way (for example, through prestigious lectureships, conferences, or other means) please bring these to the committee’s attention. If the field’s publications include multiple authors, please explain any customs governing the order of co-authors. This document should be tailored to the candidate’s general area(s) of study, but not to the candidate; that is, it should not highlight or evaluate the candidate’s actual publication placement history.
  • Scholarship Cover
    A cover sheet providing the bibliographic information of each sample, including page numbers. Number the scholarship samples.
  • Scholarship Samples
    A set of excerpts from the candidate’s scholarship that will be read by the entire Tenure and Appointments Committee. Choose selections that will help the committee grasp the range and significance of the candidate’s scholarship and research, comprising roughly 100 pages. Each selection must include footnotes, endnotes, appropriate illustrations or appendices, and, in the case of books, a table of contents. Important: the content of these selections should not overlap. Upload each scholarship sample as a separate document, enumerated 1, 2, 3, etc. These numbers should match the order on the Scholarship Cover.
  • Template Letters
    Two template letters: (a) the initial email to potential referees asking them to evaluate the candidate, and (b) the follow-up email, which includes the detailed instructions for the review, sent to external evaluators after they have agreed to serve as referees. Both letters should be uploaded as one document. Note: it is sufficient to provide only one example of each of the two template letters. Initial referee request emails should not be sent through Interfolio, but the follow-up referee instructions letter should be sent through Interfolio to those referees who have agreed to write.
  • Referee Response Form
    Use the form provided here. Note: The candidate’s suggestion, arm’s-length, and fresh columns must be completed for ALL referees, including those who declined or did not provide a letter.
  • Referee Bio List
    An alphabetized and annotated list of referees who were approved by the TAC chair and the FAS Dean’s Office and were asked for letters. After the name, indicate in bold whether the scholar declined (“declined”), provided a letter (“letter”), agreed but did not provide a letter (“agreed but no letter”), or did not reply (“no reply”). The material describing each referee should include all of the information described in the Referee/Comparator Information List Guidelines.
  • Referee Preliminary Correspondence
    All preliminary correspondence seeking references (requests and responses), including those from potential referees who declined. Please use the Referee Preliminary Correspondence Template to track and submit all responses. The primary purpose is to collect affirmative responses, declinations, and if declined, the reason for the declination. Please include all correspondence with all referees, beginning with their first reply.
  • Department Faculty Vote Form
    Use the vote form provided here. Please set the security setting to Administrator Only access.

External Evaluations

  • Referee Letter - [Referee Last Name]
    All referee letters of evaluation received, organized alphabetically by referee surname – uploaded as separate documents. A minimum of seven (7) referees must hold an “arm’s-length” relation to the candidate (that is, they must have not served as the candidate’s teacher, mentor, or research collaborator, and must not have a conflict of interest). At least four (4) of these arm’s-length letters must be “fresh” (that is, they must come from referees who have not previously written for the candidate for an appointment or promotion at Yale). The requester should ask for letters to be in English whenever possible. Letters submitted in other languages should be sent to the divisional dean for translation, with a copy to Sarah Logan at After receiving the translation from the FAS Dean’s Office, combine the translation and original language letter into one PDF document, with the English translation first.

Course Evaluations

  • Courses Taught at Yale

    A list of all courses taught at Yale with number of instructors and size of enrollments. Chairs’ assistants may retrieve these through Tableau’s Faculty Course Information report, which requires authentication with NetID and password, as well as a secure VPN connection. Click the Semester dropdown on the right, make sure that “All” is checked, click “Apply,” wait for the report to run, and click out of the dropdown. Click the Faculty Member dropdown, click the box next to “All” to uncheck everyone, type in part or all of the faculty member’s last name, and click the box next to the faculty member’s name to check it. For faculty with appointments in multiple academic units, please deselect all but one academic unit in the dropdown menu; otherwise the full set of courses will be repeated for each unit selected. Click Download in the upper right corner and click PDF. Leave all the settings intact, and click the green Download button. Upload the downloaded PDF into Interfolio with the naming convention [LastName]_[Courses Taught at Yale].

  • Course Evaluations
    Course evaluations for the eight (8) most recent semesters (excluding summer terms) for which evaluations are available. Chairs’ assistants may retrieve these through the OCE Faculty Dashboard, where they should select the OCE TAC Report on the top right hand corner of the page, type in the candidate’s name in the Instructor field, wait for the Term box to be filled in (it automatically selects the most recent fall/spring terms, up to 8), and click Search. For each course in the list, click the course number link, save that course’s evaluations page as a PDF with the naming convention [LastName]_[CourseNumber]_[Semester] [Year] ​(example: Jones_PLSC 100_Spring 2017), and upload each evaluation separately to Interfolio in reverse chronological order, with the most recent semester first. If a chair’s assistant does not have access to the Dashboard, the department chair should contact the Registrar’s Office at to request access for the chair’s assistant.

TAC Checklist - Physical Sciences and Engineering

Please do not print and save old versions of TAC checklists or forms; always refer to the latest versions of all policies, procedures, and documents as found on

Required materials to be uploaded to Interfolio

  1. Please upload documents into the case sections shown below. No other sections should be added to any cases. Note: any materials uploaded by the candidate to Candidate Documents are not able to be moved to any other section, and should remain as is.
  2. Please save documents electronically as Adobe PDF, rather than scan hard copies to PDF.
  3. Please use the standardized names given in bold below. If there are multiple items with the same name, append a number at the end.
  4. Materials that are for departmental review that are not going to the TAC (i.e., any items not on the list below) should be set to Administrators Only access (click on the checkbox to the left of the item, then settings in the green top toolbar, and scroll down to Administrators Only).

Candidate Documents

  • Candidate’s CV ([Name], [Date of Last Revision])
    The candidate’s current CV, conforming to the guidelines specified in the materials request letter sent to the candidateThis CV should be the same version that was sent to the referees.

NOTE: For the Service, Teaching and Research statements, be sure each statement conforms to the word counts listed. Statements submitted over the word counts should be returned to the candidate for editing prior to the materials being sent to the department review committees.

  • Candidate Service Statement
    A statement of 250–500 words describing the candidate’s most significant contributions, both formal and informal, in departmental, university, and professional service
  • Candidate Teaching Statement
    A statement of 500–750 words describing the candidate’s approach to teaching, advising, and mentoring
  • Candidate Research Statement
    A statement of 750–1000 words describing the candidate’s research program and future plans
  • Scholarship Cover
    A cover sheet providing the bibliographic information of each sample, including page numbers. Number the scholarship samples.
  • Scholarship Samples
    Five (5) selected articles representing the candidate’s research program that will be read by the entire Tenure and Appointments Committee. These are usually published or “in press” journal articles, and they should help the committee grasp the range and significance of the candidate’s scholarship and research. Manuscripts in preparation or submitted are not acceptable. Upload each scholarship sample as a separate document, enumerated 1-5. These numbers should match the order on the Scholarship Cover.

Committee Documents

  • Materials Request Letter
    The template letter advising the candidate of the review and requesting the necessary materials. Please set the security setting to Administrator Only access.
  • Department Case Summary
    Use the form provided here.
  • Principal Modes of Publication
    Please describe the principal modes of publication in the candidate’s general area(s) of study (journal articles, monographs, etc.), which will help inform those evaluating the case about the relevant publication context. What are the top journals and best presses for such work? (In the case of journals, please identify which of these are subfield journals and which are journals that serve the field as a whole. If it is customary in your field to present citation information as a way of documenting a journal’s prestige and influence, please include that information in your list.) If the field’s best work is disseminated in a different way (for example, through prestigious lectureships, conferences, or other means) please bring these to the committee’s attention. If the field’s publications include multiple authors, please explain any customs governing the order of co-authors. This document should be tailored to the candidate’s general area(s) of study, but not to the candidate; that is, it should not highlight or evaluate the candidate’s actual publication placement history.
  • Citations Data Set
    A set of data on citations of the candidate’s work, which will help in assessing the impact of that work. The source(s) of the data should be clearly identified and a statement provided that explains the choice of the database(s) from which the citation information is drawn.
  • Template Letters
    Two template letters: (a) the initial email to potential referees asking them to evaluate the candidate, and (b) the follow-up email, which includes the detailed instructions for the review, sent to external evaluators after they have agreed to serve as referees. Both letters should be uploaded as one document. Note: it is sufficient to provide only one example of each of the two template letters. Initial referee request emails should not be sent through Interfolio, but the follow-up referee instructions letter should be sent through Interfolio to those referees who have agreed to write.
  • Referee Response Form
    Use the form provided here. Note: The candidate’s suggestion, arm’s-length, and fresh columns must be completed for ALL referees, including those who declined or did not provide a letter.
  • Referee Bio List
    An alphabetized and annotated list of referees who were approved by the TAC chair and the FAS Dean’s Office and were asked for letters. After the name, indicate in bold whether the scholar declined (“declined”), provided a letter (“letter”), agreed but did not provide a letter (“agreed but no letter”), or did not reply (“no reply”). The material describing each referee should include all of the information described in the Referee/Comparator Information List Guidelines.
  • Referee Preliminary Correspondence
    All preliminary correspondence seeking references (requests and responses), including those from potential referees who declined. Please use the Referee Preliminary Correspondence Template to track and submit all responses. The primary purpose is to collect affirmative responses, declinations, and if declined, the reason for the declination. Please include all correspondence with all referees, beginning with their first reply.
  • Department Faculty Vote Form
    Use the vote form provided here. Please set the security setting to Administrator Only access.

External Evaluations

  • Referee Letter - [Referee Last Name]
    All referee letters of evaluation received, organized alphabetically by referee surname – uploaded as separate documents. A minimum of seven (7) referees must hold an “arm’s-length” relation to the candidate (that is, they must have not served as the candidate’s teacher, mentor, or research collaborator, and must not have a conflict of interest). At least four (4) of these arm’s-length letters must be “fresh” (that is, they must come from referees who have not previously written for the candidate for an appointment or promotion at Yale). The requester should ask for letters to be in English whenever possible. Letters submitted in other languages should be sent to the divisional dean for translation, with a copy to Sarah Logan at After receiving the translation from the FAS Dean’s Office, combine the translation and original language letter into one PDF document, with the English translation first.

Course Evaluations

  • Courses Taught at Yale

    A list of all courses taught at Yale with number of instructors and size of enrollments. Chairs’ assistants may retrieve these through Tableau’s Faculty Course Information report, which requires authentication with NetID and password, as well as a secure VPN connection. Click the Semester dropdown on the right, make sure that “All” is checked, click “Apply,” wait for the report to run, and click out of the dropdown. Click the Faculty Member dropdown, click the box next to “All” to uncheck everyone, type in part or all of the faculty member’s last name, and click the box next to the faculty member’s name to check it. For faculty with appointments in multiple academic units, please deselect all but one academic unit in the dropdown menu; otherwise the full set of courses will be repeated for each unit selected. Click Download in the upper right corner and click PDF. Leave all the settings intact, and click the green Download button. Upload the downloaded PDF into Interfolio with the naming convention [LastName]_[Courses Taught at Yale].

  • Course Evaluations
    Course evaluations for the eight (8) most recent semesters (excluding summer terms) for which evaluations are available. Chairs’ assistants may retrieve these through the OCE Faculty Dashboard, where they should select the OCE TAC Report on the top right hand corner of the page, type in the candidate’s name in the Instructor field, wait for the Term box to be filled in (it automatically selects the most recent fall/spring terms, up to 8), and click Search. For each course in the list, click the course number link, save that course’s evaluations page as a PDF with the naming convention [LastName]_[CourseNumber]_[Semester] [Year] ​(example: Jones_PLSC 100_Spring 2017), and upload each evaluation separately to Interfolio in reverse chronological order, with the most recent semester first. If a chair’s assistant does not have access to the Dashboard, the department chair should contact the Registrar’s Office at to request access for the chair’s assistant.

TAC Checklist - Social Sciences

Please do not print and save old versions of TAC checklists or forms; always refer to the latest versions of all policies, procedures, and documents as found on

Required materials to be uploaded to Interfolio

  1. Please upload documents into the case sections shown below. No other sections should be added to any cases. Note: any materials uploaded by the candidate to Candidate Documents are not able to be moved to any other section, and should remain as is.
  2. Please save documents electronically as Adobe PDF, rather than scan hard copies to PDF.
  3. Please use the standardized names given in bold below. If there are multiple items with the same name, append a number at the end.
  4. Materials that are for departmental review that are not going to the TAC (i.e., any items not on the list below) should be set to Administrators Only access (click on the checkbox to the left of the item, then settings in the green top toolbar, and scroll down to Administrators Only).

Candidate Documents

  • Candidate’s CV ([Name], [Date of Last Revision])
    The candidate’s current CV, conforming to the guidelines specified in the materials request letter sent to the candidateThis CV should be the same version that was sent to the referees.

NOTE: For the Service, Teaching and Research statements, be sure each statement conforms to the word counts listed. Statements submitted over the word counts should be returned to the candidate for editing prior to the materials being sent to the department review committees.

  • Candidate Service Statement
    A statement of 250–500 words describing the candidate’s most significant contributions, both formal and informal, in departmental, university, and professional service
  • Candidate Teaching Statement
    A statement of 500–750 words describing the candidate’s approach to teaching, advising, and mentoring
  • Scholarship Cover
    A cover sheet providing the bibliographic information of each sample, including page numbers. Number the scholarship samples.
  • Scholarship Samples
    A set of three (3) to five (5) representative selections of the candidate’s scholarship that will be read by the entire Tenure and Appointments Committee. These articles, essays, or book excerpts, together comprising a total of no more than 150 pages, should help the committee grasp the range and significance of the candidate’s scholarship and research. Each selection must include footnotes, endnotes, and appropriate illustrations and appendices. For book excerpts, include the complete table of contents. Upload each scholarship sample as a separate document, enumerated 1-5. These numbers should match the order on the Scholarship Cover.

Committee Documents

  • Materials Request Letter
    The template letter advising the candidate of the review and requesting the necessary materials. Please set the security setting to Administrator Only access.
  • Department Case Summary
    Use the form provided here.
  • Candidate Research Statement
    A statement of 750–1000 words describing the candidate’s research program and future plans
  • Principal Modes of Publication
    Please describe the principal modes of publication in the candidate’s general area(s) of study (journal articles, monographs, etc.), which will help inform those evaluating the case about the relevant publication context. What are the top journals and best presses for such work? (In the case of journals, please identify which of these are subfield journals and which are journals that serve the field as a whole. If it is customary in your field to present citation information as a way of documenting a journal’s prestige and influence, please include that information in your list.) If the field’s best work is disseminated in a different way (for example, through prestigious lectureships, conferences, or other means) please bring these to the committee’s attention. If the field’s publications include multiple authors, please explain any customs governing the order of co-authors. This document should be tailored to the candidate’s general area(s) of study, but not to the candidate; that is, it should not highlight or evaluate the candidate’s actual publication placement history.
  • Citations Data Set
    A set of data on citations of the candidate’s work, which will help in assessing the impact of that work. The source(s) of the data should be clearly identified and a statement provided that explains the choice of the database(s) from which the citation information is drawn.
  • Template Letters
    Two template letters: (a) the initial email to potential referees asking them to evaluate the candidate, and (b) the follow-up email, which includes the detailed instructions for the review, sent to external evaluators after they have agreed to serve as referees. Both letters should be uploaded as one document. Note: it is sufficient to provide only one example of each of the two template letters. Initial referee request emails should not be sent through Interfolio, but the follow-up referee instructions letter should be sent through Interfolio to those referees who have agreed to write.
  • Referee Response Form
    Use the form provided here. Note: The candidate’s suggestion, arm’s-length, and fresh columns must be completed for ALL referees, including those who declined or did not provide a letter.
  • Referee Bio List
    An alphabetized and annotated list of referees who were approved by the TAC chair and the FAS Dean’s Office and were asked for letters. After the name, indicate in bold whether the scholar declined (“declined”), provided a letter (“letter”), agreed but did not provide a letter (“agreed but no letter”), or did not reply (“no reply”). The material describing each referee should include all of the information described in the Referee/Comparator Information List Guidelines.
  • Referee Preliminary Correspondence
    All preliminary correspondence seeking references (requests and responses), including those from potential referees who declined. Please use the Referee Preliminary Correspondence Template to track and submit all responses. The primary purpose is to collect affirmative responses, declinations, and if declined, the reason for the declination. Please include all correspondence with all referees, beginning with their first reply.
  • Department Faculty Vote Form
    Use the vote form provided here. Please set the security setting to Administrator Only access.

External Evaluations

  • Referee Letter - [Referee Last Name]
    All referee letters of evaluation received, organized alphabetically by referee surname – uploaded as separate documents. A minimum of seven (7) referees must hold an “arm’s-length” relation to the candidate (that is, they must have not served as the candidate’s teacher, mentor, or research collaborator, and must not have a conflict of interest). At least four (4) of these arm’s-length letters must be “fresh” (that is, they must come from referees who have not previously written for the candidate for an appointment or promotion at Yale). The requester should ask for letters to be in English whenever possible. Letters submitted in other languages should be sent to the divisional dean for translation, with a copy to Sarah Logan at After receiving the translation from the FAS Dean’s Office, combine the translation and original language letter into one PDF document, with the English translation first.

Course Evaluations

  • Courses Taught at Yale

    A list of all courses taught at Yale with number of instructors and size of enrollments. Chairs’ assistants may retrieve these through Tableau’s Faculty Course Information report, which requires authentication with NetID and password, as well as a secure VPN connection. Click the Semester dropdown on the right, make sure that “All” is checked, click “Apply,” wait for the report to run, and click out of the dropdown. Click the Faculty Member dropdown, click the box next to “All” to uncheck everyone, type in part or all of the faculty member’s last name, and click the box next to the faculty member’s name to check it. For faculty with appointments in multiple academic units, please deselect all but one academic unit in the dropdown menu; otherwise the full set of courses will be repeated for each unit selected. Click Download in the upper right corner and click PDF. Leave all the settings intact, and click the green Download button. Upload the downloaded PDF into Interfolio with the naming convention [LastName]_[Courses Taught at Yale].

  • Course Evaluations
    Course evaluations for the eight (8) most recent semesters (excluding summer terms) for which evaluations are available. Chairs’ assistants may retrieve these through the OCE Faculty Dashboard, where they should select the OCE TAC Report on the top right hand corner of the page, type in the candidate’s name in the Instructor field, wait for the Term box to be filled in (it automatically selects the most recent fall/spring terms, up to 8), and click Search. For each course in the list, click the course number link, save that course’s evaluations page as a PDF with the naming convention [LastName]_[CourseNumber]_[Semester] [Year] ​(example: Jones_PLSC 100_Spring 2017), and upload each evaluation separately to Interfolio in reverse chronological order, with the most recent semester first. If a chair’s assistant does not have access to the Dashboard, the department chair should contact the Registrar’s Office at to request access for the chair’s assistant.

All divisions complete the review process with the below steps:

12. TAC Review

  • If the departmental vote is positive, the chair presents the case to the relevant Tenure and Appointments Committee (TAC), consisting of the Dean of the FAS, the chair of the relevant area committee, several faculty members from the candidate’s area (Humanities; Social Sciences; Biological Sciences; or Physical Sciences and Engineering), and a faculty member from another area. In Engineering cases, the Dean of SEAS also sits on the committee; in Biological Sciences cases, the Dean of the School of Medicine also sits on the committee.

13. Final Review

  • If the TAC approves the case, the reappointment moves on to votes of the Joint Board of Permanent Officers of the FAS (all FAS full professors) and the Fellows of the Yale Corporation.

14. Promotion Processing

  • After an affirmative vote from the Joint Boards of Permanent Officers (JBPO), the FAS Dean’s Office will submit the promotion letter to the candidate, with a copy to departmental chairs and staff.
  • Department administrators (chair’s assistant or equivalent) are responsible for processing all appointments, reappointments, and promotions in Workday as soon as possible after receiving the appropriate letter from the FAS Dean’s Office, which serves as the supporting documentation. Please refer to the FAS Chart of Required Documents for submission of supporting documents to, which lists several links to Workday training guides.


Sarah Logan

Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs