FAS throws big-boned party

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December 10, 2018

On the first Tuesday of December, the FAS community conglomerated at the Peabody Museum of Natural History to celebrate the new holiday season amid towering fossils from the Age of Reptiles. The celebration, organized by our very own Senior Executive Assistant Deirdre Eichner, aimed to observe the end of another vibrant and accomplished year as well as to praise the past, both immediate and remote. Attendants cheerily mingled amid dinosaur fossils dressed by the museum staff with Yale hats and scarfs, while a handful of people constantly swarmed the crêpe stand manned by New Haven-based chef Adil Chokairy.

Participants also had the chance to test their luck by entering a raffle. The prizes? A stunning flower bouquet handmade out of seashells by our Sr. Associate Dean Bob Burger and one of Dean Gendler’s punny creations, Mead, Mead, Mead. This entailed a bottle of mead (brewed by Bob) and books Coming of Age in Samoa and Mind, Self, & Society respectively by Margaret Mead and George Herbert Mead.

The FAS Dean’s Office wishes you very merry holidays!